no the more air the better whats water temp that will make ph raise and so does tap water from towns and advaced nuts make a ph perfect nuts that they claim never tryed it though
get some 2by2s make a diveder about half way aroud room then useheavy plastic non seeable through and use velcrow strip to open and close plastic make shif door now you have two rooms might need some calking to seal out light between wood and drywall also double up plastic with the white on the...
next grow do what you did in the first but with a little less nuts the two plants told you that your useing to much by the burn why then would you want to waste your money on nutes that are being wasted and might kill your plants remember the more nutes you use and waste the faster you have to...
i bought the same one you are looking at after thinking about building one after furgering out roughly the price to make one and i like it a lot and also most cloners do not have domes only a few do
stop worring about a few seed many moons ago in the 70s the accupaco gold used to have all kinds of seeds in it and was a smoke also didnot seem to hurt the buzz factor just a pain getting all thoughs seeds out
they look good possible a little streachy light might need to be a little closer though and your spending a lot of money an nutes dont think you need all of them imo
you are ok with pt wood people use it all the time for raised veg gardins put if you get slivers take out soon and your soposed to cut it out side the regar wood will be ok if its not wet al the time
when i use tap water had a lot of problems wiith ph want to rain water and it stopped also small res heat up quickly and that alone will raise the ph imo get a bigger res firstlike 15 to 20 gal that will take care of heat and evoporation problems in ph if still a problem different water source
you can start to flower at any time change the light cycle to 12/12 and about 4 to 5 weeks you will see bud formng if not in big hurry what a little longer and try your hand with cloning saves buying clones or seeds then put into flowering
the home owner is wrong copper wire is what you want it is the old alluminum wire that is no good what is you cook stove or hot water heater or dryer one may be electric and if so theres your 220 or even a water pump if you now some body with electric knowledge they can get you 220 with out over...