go with mostly soil and a few hydrow and when you complete a hydrow grow your parfner might change his mind when he sees how fast that they grow but remember theres a lot of things that can go wrong with hydro theres no buffer like in soil
use low or no ppms in your water then add nutes keep water temp around 68 should be ok if not higher temps and higher ppms in water add up to a lot of problems if you do things correct they will grow like there name a weed
out of the two i would go with growace looks better the only thing different id get a bigger tent like a 4 x 4 for 20 dollars more or try peicing together one through amazon and see which is going to be cheaper
they have all in 1 400 watt systems by hydro farms all you need is the two different bulbs and when done with one take out put other in put toggle switch in other potion and your good to go 4 inch centrifuge inline fan will work good there around 170cfm just match or go over on filter look...