do not microwave them you will loss your thc if you only have a few id toss them if i had a lot i would make a h2o2 and water bath and dip them and get air blowing on them to get the moister off of them as quichly as i can sounds like you didnot have enough air movement in the first place
tap water is ok and the cubes will be fine also and yes when there about 6-8 inches they start to smell a little and gredally gets more the bigger they are ,before flowering you will probaly want odor control
i agree with most of it first you need good container you can buy cheap any wheres good soil and seeds then then a timer if go on 18/6 light cycle if not would not need right away, same with ocalating fan when plants are 4-6 inches tall you need not right away if got good soil will not need...
how many do you have and how big are they im thinking if its not to cold where you live might be able to put them in your car early that day and live them there till hes done do a quick clean up spray house with oder killes wash floors with pine sol to get read of any smell and your ready to go
i used a pump lie your taling about it put out to much water for my water wheel so i put a shut off valve on the pipe to control water flow and had no problems with the pump also nice job on the setup the only thing is you should hook the run off togher and back to res with out light hitting water
you can put a1/2 cup per gallon no more then that first i clean every thing with clorox and while pumps are running .i would put my plants roots in mild bath of clorox and water like a table spoon to a gal then when all cleand up get water in res set with every thing and then add h202 then put...
i not sure but maybe you are diping the stem in the product to far is were its srived up were to product stoped it might need to be covered with what ever your useing for cloning medium. but thoughs are no good
i would say that you dont want light hitting your water it will start to grow alge and probalay lets roots spread out more to keep them moist longer? im not sure but thats my guess
i was thinking could you build a inch thick or less frame that would fit over fan. line the out side with screen materal and fill the inside with carbon, kinda like a double screen affect but with carbon in the middle