Hi my 420 friends. I have a question and would like to start a topic on Feeding your plants multiple Nutrients (Advanced Nutrients). I'm sure there is info on this subject somewhere in these forums but i would like all answers to be specific as possible. Anyway when i feed my plants, i feed with...
Can anyone help me on this topic?
I always wondered how people who use big garbage bins indoors to grow, how do you deal with water runoff? Wouldn't it be a huge pain in the ass dealing with all that runoff? And where are you running your water off anyway? Is there a big bin that contains your...
I recently purchased the Advanced Nutrients PH Perfect Base Nutrients Micro, Grow & Bloom. And i read the bottles and it says your supposed to use all 3 nutrients at the same time, but i'm confused why would i use Bloom nutrients while i'm still in the veg stage? Am i supposed to use the Bloom...
Thanks for your advise guys. My plant is just now starting to come back around to the healthy side. The leaves are starting to pick back up and pointing towards the sky! I hope it keeps getting better because i'm starving it of water at the moment. It was definitely over-watering from what i can...
:leaf:Anyone who has never made a mistake,:wall: has never tried anything new.:leaf:
:leaf: Before God we are all equally wise, and equally foolish. Albert Einstien:idea::leaf:
Thank You for your advice. I was thinking it was over-watering also but wasn't to sure. I had already waited 2 days for my soil to dry before i decided to transplant and i didn't see any sign of the plant recovering, that's actually why i decided to transplant. You asked what the PH was and it...
Hello, I'm new to indoor growing and need some advice. My 3 week old plant has stopped growing and is drooping. It hasn't shown any new growth in over a week. The PH is fine. Was using Enriched Miracle grow soil until today, i transplanted to ProMix HP. I may have over-watered but i'm not...