On the charts at 25. Good pick. I had them at 21 or 22 (better than USF?). Agree a loss looks likely to Wisci. A win, tho, would knock the rankings for a loop. Go Hawkeyes.
Los Angeles this time. I grew up there(fabulous). Supposed to be a cheap 50's detective magazine cover kinda theme. Have had L.A.(lower Ala) nickname B4 tho.
2 guys on YouTube make one using flashlights, super simple. To get posted they called it a paint strainer LOL. at the end they put a paint can nozzel in the thread end to show it strained paint, sort of. I like the Cat Nip predator, easy on the mouth, loud and you can get a sorry crow out of...
What a dumb ass this guy was. Wait 3 months and he could have added legal silencers to his rigs. Sweet.....the bill was up in the Senate this week. How many more ya think he could have hit? After silencers the short barreled rifle ban should go. Then you can cobble together something a man could...
A little early to tell, first move up in a head and shoulders top? Money making opps. there. Or....steep rise, lots of gaps. Little pressure like fighting in Korea, or Russia-Gate does Trump in, then chart wise a blow off top could be lurking.
Hand picked ethics chair has ruled lobbyists can donate?/contribute?/be shook down for? money to pay White House legal fees. Might wanna check that out?
Over the years your grammatic construction has improved, but unless I misunderstand your message. How/why did you cobble up "The embarrassment are whites."?