i tried this on a small scale a while back, it was ok, but i had no resin or anything so the rolled up fan leaves just crumbled as soon as you touched it. what can you use to stop it being so crumbly
haha wow, im pretty impressed what you can do with a 15w cfl and a bit of LST. check it out, the northern soul is almost ready to be harvested i think, tell me what you think.:hump:
dont be hating on me, first timer, and it was just to get a fell for budding and getting used to it, i know the...
wait i though ozone was a gas, from what i know its O3, and that happens by making O2(oxygen) unstable with ultraviolet light or sumin and causing a 3rd O to join the the pair, right? or have i learnt it wrong.
there is another way you can do it, get your pic, right click on it and click properties, click the Details tab, the a blue link at the bottom will say Remove Properties and Personal Information, tick whatever you want, then click ok, done.
you have to call em, ive had some troubles in the past but if you call them there ok, just dont email them as i dont think they really check thier emails.