Over 30 bud sites starting the other day. check out the white pistils shooting out everywhere! This is with CFL's with no nutrients until flowering phase. 65 days old in photos! What do you think?
Well it's been a while since I've posted and I wanted you to check out my buds. Here are some shots of the early forming buds under CFL's. Check out the white pistils shooting out everywhere. Notice this is bagseed, under CFLs and no nutrients until flowering phase. How do you like them so far?
here's what my new setup with lights looks like: these photos are from day 51. I'm at 62 now, and just started budding. started flowering at 36 but didn't see any pistils until the day after I gave it nutes. Got the nutrients on day 60, day 61 it showed female that quickly. Highly recommend...
Picked up some nutes for the first time in the grow. It's been on flowering photoperiod since day 36. On day 60 I picked up my nutes from the store and applied them full recommended strength. The next day my plant definitely started flowering female. The white pistils are shooting up at every...
Picked up some nutes for the first time in the CFL grow. It's been on flowering photoperiod since day 36. On day 60 I picked up my nutes from the store and applied them full recommended strength. The next day my plant definitely started flowering female. The white pistils are shooting up at...
Picked up some nutes for the first time in the grow. It's been on flowering photoperiod since day 36. On day 60 I picked up my nutes from the store and applied them full recommended strength. The next day my plant definitely started flowering female. The white pistils are shooting up at every...
I'm in my flowering phase of 12/12 with 4 CFL lights on 1 plant. Haven't seen any preflowering symtoms as to what sex it is yet but I have a good feeling it's female because all my males have showed already and females develop later than male plants. Haven't seen any buds yet but you can check...
why would some of my leaves on occasion turn out deformed? Instead of having5 or 7 leaves, at least one leaf per shoot is awkwardly shaped or missing 1 blade like it will have 4 or 6 and shaped abnormally. Is this lack of nutrients or a reaction to the dilluted urine in my water from earlier. I...
would i still need a CO2 if I am in my small grow room smokin all day? lol I believe it helps it but who knows right? it's just one of my myths that me exhaling on my leaves makes it more potant
after weeks of flowering and not noticing any preflowering, i figured my dark period was not completely dark so with temps in daytime cool now, i switched the dark period to nighttime and light photoperiod to daytime to ensure complete darkness is available to the plant to force bud. I know I...
Last night I worked on making my grow room more light tight. I used duct tape to seal off any corners from any stray light in the room. I also put up another towel. The first towel seperates the room in two from the entrance, and the new towel is right up against the dresser which is my grow...
okay shoot. I threw out 3 of my plants thinking they were male already because those did have the 2 balls part. pollen balls that is. and they were taller, and i know males mature faster. this one was shorter bushier and i thought i saw a V shaped pistil but turns out it was new growth of leaves...