Warlock is another potent strain I have grown.
Warlock! The incredible Dutch aroma wonder
And here it is ! the strain that finally dwarfs anything else in terms of aroma intensity. The strain whose aroma clouds penetratively rise into your face right after having opened the...
Magus Genetics - Warlock
Flowering Time: 55-60 days
Indoor Yield: Good
Outdoor Yield: Good
Smell/Odour: The charismatic smell finds its equivalent in the rich and full taste: spicy...
Height: Medium
Effect/Buzz: Long-lasting, cerebrally and physically activating sativa high, mixed...
I think Sensi and dna are both very good breeders also well known. But I also think that Serious and Magnus have a slight edge on the rest just because they both only have 5 different strains that they are constantly perfecting. INSIDE MAGNUS GENETICS
The reputation of a small seed...
The thing about the cannabis cup that I don't get is how do you take as many entries between a few judges and decide what is the best strain in 2 days? You can't! I believe the whole system they use at the cannabis cup is flawed. I believe if they want to do it right the judges all need to...
What about the breeders that do it the same way ( Magnus Genetics) who only has a few strains, Don't ever here to much about them I have grown Warlock 2 going on three times and I believe the potency is right up there with AK47 and if you ask me the buzz is better.
If you are stupid enough to grow weed at the same address that your seeds are delivered to then I guess your dumb ass deserves to get busted! If they don't have any evidence they cant do jack shit.
Super Lemon Haze is a Greenhouse strain. I went the only 2 reliable sites that I know of and Attitude doesn't carry it yet. And for some reason One Stop Seed Shop seems to have stopped carrying Greenhouse they only have 2 of there strains they used to carry them all....hmmm
Just wanted to here what you stoners thought about this seed bank. I think that there genetics are very good. For some reason you here more about Nirvana than anything on these threads. Buying from Nirvana is kinda like feeding a 250 pound man a 99 cent Banquet tv dinner when you know what he...
Dude if you want seeds that are inexpensive, awesome yields, pretty fast growing, and of course DANK BUD! You should definitely go with SKUNK#1 for the price I guarantee you CANT DO BETTER! P.S. NRVANA GENETICS SUCK!
Nirvana's genetics are crap, Do you really believe that a seed bank that has that many strains at that cheap of price can really compete with Serious Seeds AK47 get real!
I also believe that serious seeds have some of the best genetics out there. I have had exp. growing White Russian , AK47, and Bubblegum. I am trying Kali Mist this year from what i here from all the threads has the best up high that exists. My exp. with AK47 is that the high doesn't have any...
If you want killer weed you have to pay more than $25 for ten seeds, how many strains does Nirvana have? like 40-50 strains of the most piss poor genetics available
Are you talking about Nirvana AK48? I have already made the mistake of ordering Nirvana AK48 and White Rhino and even though some people have had good luck with them I didn't. Actually it was the worst exp. I have ever had ordering seeds! 30 seeds not one germinated, I am not a novice been...