dood i just sambled my dry slightly cured harvest bud its fucking nuts soo i thought that bud was just the cover lol then i look again and their was pot on top of he magazine
SHits real sticky did smeel good few days ago but its at the freash cut grass stage but it still taste a lil bit of nasty but i can slightly taste what it realy tastes like when cure'd right
but its pretty fuckin stony :joint: Lil leafy too. but idc
I don't know where to put this but its going to be for next year outdoor so this should work but im very worried about ordering stuff for growing i live in the us so u know but my question is what would happen if i wanna say its customs that would find it but who ever checks for illegal stuff...
i bought an ounce one tim eand as i was walking home it all fell out of the baggie in muh pocket and i thougt i got it all out then a week later when i was going to put my pants back on i found like a gram jsut chillin their lol I was like sweet.
the first time i smoked out of a REAL BONG GLASS not homemade peice of shit i took a mega ultra huge big hit then i was fine nothing happened the bong 1 spot from going back to me and i just coughed once a little one then boom projetile puke flew all over my weed N everything
best thing to do whne stoned get on the fourwhellers or if its winter snowmobilein g but i still use the fourwheelers in winter but man when u just got high and it ngiht and u got on 15 mile ride on the snow right after snows man feels like ur flying 49240294812490 miles an hour HEHE
i just harvested my bud and ass i was cutting it all up three seed have poped out so far and i can see tons of seed pods so far none are premature but what i wan t to know is hot it got pollinated when it was fem ale from beginning and i had no males around it