I think it was the cold that did it. It looked worse after a cold spell and looks a lot better after it has warmed up a little. It has still stayed pretty cool.It's hard to say best time to plant here because the weather is almost never the same 2 years in a row.Last year I had tomatoes that...
If you do mix it I would compost it first because as it first brakes down it will tie up your nitrogen and slow your plant down. If it's composted first then it would be good if you need to lower PH and help your soil from drying out so fast and add some nitrogen. I work in farming produce.
IT's been cold a lot of days and not much is happening. Anyway can you save lowryder2 seeds from your plants and do you get a lot of seeds off one plant?
I would take the foil off the cups-the cups might dry out faster if warmer but warmer soil means the plant will grow fast.If you put clear plastic over the dirt it will get the soil even warmer from green house effect. Thats why farmers use clear plastic on straw berries. They use darker...
Most drugs store even sell fish emulation - feather meal is better because it's not as salty-Blood meal which you can get at most plant nurseries would made your plants a darker green and healthier.
It looked worse the other day.They came back. And Two replacements are in the ground. Just learning to grow never grown bud before.This is prop 215 garden with a doctors Etc. That's why only growing for a few personal use. Think I'm allowed 6 adult-12 total but keeping no more then six because...
I can't get myself to spend that much. I order from piratesofthecannabean.com and the seeds came up. I'm trying lowryder 2. Seeds came up,so I'm sticking with cheaper seeds.