Those lights are intense. Make sure you keep them at 24" with only the surrounding 5w monos with the COBs off to start and veg them to flowering. Flip the COBs on to flower at 18-20" with no lenses. 6 is a little low for soil, bump your pH up to ~6.7. FFOF has plenty of nutes for seedlings...
The days of unproven hypothetical nonsense, goodled specs, psuedo-science with attitude and greed are over... Result is all that matters. Hp at the crank is for those who don't get it to boast, it's at the wheel to those who win races...
In regards to light, intensity and spectrum determine the growth characteristics such as stretching, leaf elongation/enlargement/thickness, root development, etc.. With the Amare's intensity you do not need to be as close. Unlike mono's that spread the intensity over a wider area from the...
@Airwalker16 Don't allow these asinine, ignorant, Googled specs reciters discourage you. This and other forums are for growers to share and learn from each other, not spewing senseless psuedo-science BS with ego and attitude. Most either own a few or worst none of the lights they criticize...
If you're going to hate and BS, at least make it sound convincing. If this includes Evergrow, they make A51 correct? How the hell is Amare the same thing or related to this crap. Thanks for sharing @OneHitDone. What a shitty company.
You guys are a crackup and why the LED business is a joke. Instead of worrying about your ignorance and lack of design knowledge you bring kind, amare and others into it. Rather than worrying about your design flaws, you rather attack others when you can't even properly build a light. All...
Like I said, he's just a pothead with a lot of time on his hands but was probably overwhelmed in the beginning trying to put things in place. I helped him with a lot of the testing and yes, it wasn't fun for a while, because he kept changing his mind. Maybe got too creative with the meds:) U...
I think we should all just stick to our own favorite company and respect each other, otherwise, we'll end up cock-fighting (again) and that's a real disservice to those who actually relies on our experience and knowledge to make their buying decisions.
@ hyroot, you've always been a stand-up...
Of course, truth and facts mean nothing around here. If you guys are going to hate, get your facts straight so it will be more credible and convincing. Regarding Amare cramming a bunch of chips together to save on costs, there's always the Pro3/4 bar type @32" and 36", respectively. They use...
[ QUOTE="Atulip, post: 12720458, member: 920612"]OK guys I'm back with more troll food. Did I miss anything? Or are we still just explaining that ppfd is merely a single point measurement. And that light is light regardless of source...
In these fancy math calculations. Do you calculate the...
I think everyone should just stick to their own results and just speak the truth. We're all here to learn and share in hopes our experiences will benefit others who are not yet familiar with the subjects that are discussed and just stick to the truth, because there a many of us who understand...
Spectrum is not the key to growing. There's a lot more that determines s light's efficacy. Having the ability to check the spectrum does not mean that you understand plants spectrum needs. No, companies invest the time and resources to gain the experience and knowledge to make efficient...
You can choose the intensity you want to run within reasonable limits, with a hps, leds with a suboptimal spectrum, or leds with a more ideal spectrum. If maximum intensity is key (it's a very imporant factor but not the only one) the more reason to use an optimal spectrum. With hps you will...
The reason for the vague answer is not language barrier, but pure ignorance. How can you understand spectrum or anything else for that matter if you can't even grow there. Without testing, all you can do is the typical game of copy , make and sell it cheaper than those who invested the time...
You guys are a crack up. Debating on pure hypothetical BS based on ego and ignorance. The ones who understands are ridiculed by the world is flat crowd. Hope no one take you guys seriously here. Intensity is the key. This is why even a crappy, lop-sided spectrum like HPS works, because of...
The pro9 is 24" x24" and the se450@22'x22' vs. CX9 @16"x16". The amare has 9 light sources with the same CXB3590s vs. the Johnson's 8 and 500w more on tap that's currently on sale for $200 less than the CX8. Hmm. Anyways, you can go wrong with any of the top-bin CXB panels, be it DIY or...
Interesting. Unless Johnson or any other cob panels for that matter have some kind of super ninja CXB up their sleeve, removing the lenses on the Amare will have about the same coverage as any other similar wattage panel. Simple physics and reality.
Whatever panel(s) we bought, we did on our own accord, be it a smart or stupid purchase. Like you guys, I've been around and invested a lot of time and resources using and testing a lot of these theories and myths in the business, including number crunching specs to find out which are best. As...
Let's compare the actual number for shits n giggles. A R/W150 at $398 @155w = $2.56/w vs. an Eclipse350@$895 @350w = $2.55/w. The Eclipse is actually lower. lol. Hmmm, wish there was a way to know the actual cost and margin between these two. Now that'll be interesting. Now which one is...