I Think that girls toples is ok, but I think showing more than that is alittle ehh, we can be like play boy, its not porn, its high class art or some shit like that :P
uh-oh!!! and I thought the world was bad enough with one FDD!!!! imagine what two would be able to acomplish!!!! we stand no chance!!! unless we all stick together, and overgrow the FDDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
uh-oh!!! you think so!!!!... oh my god! it all makes sence now, the chips, that poodle, the old lady nextdoor, its, its its!!! its all them isnt it!?!?!?!
wait a second!!!! If I need a hat why am I going to waist my time making one for a mindles blob of translucent snot!?!?!!
aw man!!! I forgot all about it and was out all lastnight, I think , and most of today... It looks like I may need to build me a sea jelly now, all the jellyfish stores cloes at 5, so its too late for buying one :(
he said by the end of the day eastern time. thats 4 hrs and 39 minutes from now I believe... unless the days end is the morning? but that would be silly!!!