OK, so heres the plans for this years outdoor grow in the Southeastern US::fire:
I found an area that is completely hidden from plain view. The side you would walk/drive by (if anyone would even do that) is the side of a hill, and is completely engulfed in a wall of thorn bush. Then there is...
well sounds like ur nite beat the shit outta mine last nite. My nite was sittin on the computer and goin on RIU all nite. I made a thread that asked "if you were on probation for a long time, what would be the first thing you did when you got off?". This guy started to ask me why im on papers...
I want seedless bud though. So the guy Im selling this to will be really satisfied, you know?
So, if the plants do get too bushy and start to touch each other, what can I do to LST them from touching? I was thinking of using thin wood poles and making the plant's branches basically spiral or...
For one, its not gay.
The reason we are clowns, and we have painted faces, and all that shit, is because of one of the members of the Insane Clown Posse. His name is Joseph Bruce (Violent J). Before ICP was ICP, he had a vision from God, and God came to him in the form of the "Dark Carnival"...
no mutha fakoo,
a juggalo is down with the clown till they dead in the ground. we run with the hatchet. we are family. WTF you know about family? Can you just walk up to someone you never met, but they got a certain shirt on or a Hatchetman tattoo and instantly you know you got someone who...
Its not exactly the "looney bin", its a "mental hospital", and I have been there 4 times now. I am diagnosed Bi-Polar w/ Psychotic tendencies (I forgot to mention, I got expelled from all of my county's high schools because of a terrorist threat I made)
And that sucks, really bad man. You...
This is generally the prices round where I live to, except quarters can be $25-40 and oz's can be $90-130 i think, I been on papers 8 months, so I havent bought none in some time.