Nobody seemed to be offering him a solution did they?...I did and I got ripped in 2 for it...sure I was higher then a MoFo when I wrote my first post and called you guys noobs...but honestly...cmon, no advice at ALL from you guys...and the 1 guy that does you tear down.
Unless it's an...
Np, and thx...that crop is over was my own breed of God bud X White Rhino.
I will say this though...Flourscent's WILL give you a smaller yield, BUT the trich devolpment is up to 30% more then HPS.
This picture was taken 1.5 weeks into is a clone from my mother.
I run a complet flourscent grow room. I have 10 32W T8's held by 5 double workshop lights. The spectrums SHOULD be as follows for BEST results. For every 3 5000K (natural sunlight), have 1 3300K (warm white) tubes. It closly matches the sun's output. Here's a pic for you.
Reduced lighting from day 1 of growth all the way to 12/12 is what I think he means as reduced lighting.
At the last few days of flowering some growers give there plants a few extra hours of darkness, even up to 24 hours of darkness to help with the resin's final production. Lowering light...
Your hummidty should be around 50 in the flowering room.
The water you meantioned is usually a little low on the PH side I find...depending on the company that does it.
To be honest that defeats the purpose...once you've started 12/12, there's no going back, that could cause hermies for sure. The only time you want to revert back to veg is after you've harvested and you want to grow that plant again.
Depends on strain really, my last grow the plants only grew 6" when i flowered them, but the buds filled out everywhere, but in general they do increase 2-3X
If the plant has weak genetics it might...but force flowering is go ahead and switch to 12/12, a hermie isn't common from force flowering, your just taking away some of the goodness from the bud's by not letting the plant fully mature.
The plant will naturally preflower around the 5th-8th week of growth. You won't cause a hermie from preflowering. Hermies are genetic, and/or caused by stress.
There are a few techniques to keep plants short...LST, FIM, topping, search one of those methods and decide what you'd like to do.
Nice setup, i'm impressed, it's clean and neat.
What's your hummidty? Are you running any Co2?
You should be using some sort of flowering nute at this stage, look for something that has low (N) and higher (P) (K).
Force flowering CAN cause hermies! Your stressing your plant into something it's not ready to do. Let your plants preflower before you flower them, you'll get better bud, plus there not all this hassle either.
It would take your main cola away yes...but in it's place 2 new ones will be there. The "FIM" method can give you multiple tops.
Congrats buddy...have a cigar!!:joint::mrgreen:
What everone FAILS to realize is that HE DOES NOT KNOW HOW OLD HIS PLANT IS, he is only guesstamating the length of time it's been growing.
Ever think that he isn't really paying close attention to it, and maybe that his "3 weeks" ago was actually more like 1.5-2 weeks? And that maybe his...
Some similar advice...not to offend girldatgrows...but by the time your plant is 5-8 weeks old it should have already reached preflowering, that means that the plant is ready to do it's thing. Alot of people force flower there plants by inducing flowering, I however don't reccomend it...
You should be looking for about 45-60W/sq ft.
To be honest with you, your going to need a shit load of them little cfl's for 8 plants, once the plants reach any size at all you'll be looking for side lighting as well since cfl's don't penetrate the canopy very well. Your going to need about...