k, you dont want lowryder they are low yielders, and ak48 is not ak47 so dont think its better because its a number higher because its not even close. My advice to you is to get ak47 because its an easy grow if its your first time and its fast but also is an amazing smoke. Serious seeds is where...
FESTIVAL EXPRESS!!!! check it out man ohhhh and where the buffalo roam...its got bill murray playing the same character as johnny depp in fear and loathing except this one is from the 70s
i say its gonna be 64.7 grams, come on people lets get some real guesses and prices right rules dont apply...you can go over and still be the champ if you get it the closest
alright heres the question and id love to here all arguments...who breeds the best white widow. Its a strain ive never grown because so many different breeders offer it so i didnt want to fuck with it for fear of choosing the wrong one and having an inferior product. So come on people, which...
so is the dude giving you advice, order from the tude and youll have good results. Nirvana is a good choice but so are most of the others, take your time and search through and find what is best for you and your needs. If you have limited space and want a small good yielding plant id recommend...
At my previous job i went to the head shop to pick up a new slide after we got off work early because of the rain. This place wasnt even in town, it was an hour away so i walk in and my foreman and his boss are both standing there looking at the stash boxes so i walk straight to the back through...
it tasted like shit because it was moldy and i guess mine was there 12 minutes before yours by some kinda of magic water time warp. Just because you dont know what youre doing doesnt mean other people dont so go grow some more moldy pot and this time do us all a favor and water cure yourself
how about this, just grow it and see what you get then next time estimate it yourself and stop asking pointless questions that people ask 237 times a fucking day.
of course it tasted bad dude, water cure is the worst way to do cure pot. Water cure takes the smell and taste of your pot so how do you think that would help anything and i didnt tell him to grow purps outdoors, i recommened PPP.