I didnt like water curing at all, it made good tasting smelling bud not so great... and I wouldnt say it gained any potency... or lost any... just lost all the goodness esides the high... I would rather dry buds in a microwave than water cure LMAO :P
that will happen to bud from plants that havnt been flushed, or flushed completely.
it happens to all bud even when cured properly. and will gain its smell back, when cured, if it was flushed. if not it wont ever smell right.
does that make sence, I'm blala
back in my day we used to call blacks, texans... :P jk thats rediculouse... dont let it get to you... nobody likes texas, and they know that so their just trying to make themselves feel better
those rules sound alittle too strict... I dont even know what a micron is... let alone how to messure one :P
mass... what man!??!?! math?!?!?! I HATE MATH!!! we have to do math now?!?!?! to figure out the mass of out hats :P
I read in popular science that the whole thing is crap, and that in...
I dont have 50 clones... I dont think I'm planing on taking 50... I may... but I was just thinking... and I said the laws are so rediculose and ignorant they owould probably charge you for 50 plants :P
haha the law... there such silly people cops, and there silly laws... nobody even knows who made them up :P
dont even say somthing smart!!!!
so you think not much?