ok well one of my plants is showing sex and i dont know y it in the vegi room and the lights r on for 24 24all day every day and its geting little pistols and white hairs and i dont know.i had no light for like 8hours becouse the hole town lost power would this make my plant do this.and can i...
well i herd that iit posibal to use food coloring to turn ur weed diffrent colors so i decided to try it im going to use blue and purple in the water just to see if it works.it would be pretty cool to grow blue buds. what do u think will it work or not?
well i have a oil filled heater but it eletric and i cant hold any more power on my breacker box. so i got a little propan house safe heater buddy im just gonna turn the heater away and put a fan up on the wall to blow the heat down thanks for some ideas
ye s i have got a little heater for my flowering room becouse it was geting 56 degrees in there but i was wondering if the red glow of the heater mess with my plants while the lights off?
ya i know use a heater but i dont have one and im trying not to run any more electricity untill i get my new breacker box put in. so i dont pop a breacker. but ya if u gana be shit ro u think its a gay thread dont read it or post on it kk
well im useing soil and 4 hydros becouse im just testing hydro becouse ive never used hydro but im useing soil for now till i have more money to spend on good gear for my room
well ok i have 6 fresh cut clones from 6 diffrent plants im flowering them to see what the sex is on the plant that they came from. i guess my maun ? is how fare should i keep my 400w hps from he top of my humidity dome so i dont burn them