If you research it, there are almost always issues not charged by the Speaker that get addressed. Every Bill is assigned to a committee after its read and depending on how that committee reports on it is what determines the Bill's fate. With the author of this Bill being the Vice Chair of the...
The committee absolutely DOES have the power to give the bill life. Educated is one thing I am, another thing I am is polite so I will let the rest of your crap slide. The main message I want to get across is that people have the chance to write these committee members and let them know they...
Rick Perry will be out as Texas Governer, that is for sure. There is still opposition but the most important thing is most people support it. Keep after your Reps and one day we will get what we want.
Exactly, those are the topics for this months meeting. MMJ will be reviewed as well at a later date. When that time comes people should want the reps to know they support MMJ.
There is a difference between dead and stalled. This bill could be given life by the Public Health committee. No one will look bad by writing the representatives and telling them they support MMJ. However, you look like an asshole for hijacking a positive thread and trying to turn it into...
The worst part is he is absolutely WRONG !!! This bill was referred to the public Health Committee which will decide the fate of this bill. They are absolutely still meeting and actually have a meeting this month. When the time comes for them to review this bill every MJ supporter should want...
Since you posted this, you appear ignorant. This committee is still meeting and hb1491 is not dead. This bill will be reviewed by this committee. Negative people like you that sit in front of their computer and complain are extremely aggravating. You do nothing but sit on your hands and...
Fortunately the Redneck tool bags don't really pay attention to what goes on in the Texas House of Representatives. There is a lot of support for MJ in Texas, we just have to let our voices be heard.
House Bill 1491 is a Texas bill that was introduced in March of 2011 to legalize medical marijuana in the state of Texas. It was referred to the committee of Public Health for final say. The author of the bill, Rep. Elliot Naishtat is actually the vice chair of this committee. I urge all Texas...
I am not preaching to anyone, just urging Texans to get involved in the movement and pass on the educational information. You are welcome to criticize as that is your right, just like I am able to pass on important info, as is my right.
House Bill 1491 is a Texas bill that was introduced in March of 2011 to legalize medical marijuana in the state of Texas. It was referred to the committee of Public Health for final say. The author of the bill, Rep. Elliot Naishtat is actually the vice chair of this committee. I urge all Texas...
House Bill 1491 is a Texas bill that was introduced in March of 2011 to legalize medical marijuana in the state of Texas. It was referred to the committee of Public Health for final say. The author of the bill, Rep. Elliot Naishtat is actually the vice chair of this committee. I urge all Texas...
The Norml site has great info but my list is a little different. Although they are one of the sources I use for info. I didn't actually produce and direct the video either, but I am doing my best to educate people.
No I haven't, but I can believe it. During Henry Ford's era is was still legal and they were using it for tons of different things. Then in the 1930's the timber companies smear campaign ruined it for everyone.
I think most have abandoned the decriminalised model and have adopted trying to get full legalization. There is no reason it shouldn't be legalized. I listed 10 very good reasons on the first page of this thread. In fact, at one time it was very much legal. Check out this great video on cannabis...
Not really to be honest. During flowering you want something high in Potassium (The "P"). Six is not very high. I use a 9-32-9 during flower by comparison. It will be better than nothing but if you have the means I would get something better.
Plant looks great, and everything bkbbuds said is correct. If you decide to wait a little longer your buds should pack on even more weight as well. They will get dense the last week or two although the high will be more sleepy the longer you wait. As previously mentioned its a matter of personal...