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  1. R

    If everyone at the concert was armed this wouldnt of happened

    theres on average more than one mass shooting a day in the states. and the amount of gun deaths is very high.. this only happens in countries where guns are readily available,,, and nothings going to change because too many americans love guns. guns are killing machines that make mass murder...
  2. R

    Connoisseur Genetics

    Connoisseur Genetics and true canna genetics are run by the same breeder right?
  3. R

    Gorilla Bubble

    thats like saying people who dont like CC herm prone genetics that also like to autoflower are just swerve haters,when in actual fact it could just be people are telling you what theyve experienced growing some of his strains... just because you can find some worthy phenotypes amongst the BS it...
  4. R

    First grow..vipaspectra 450w led

    most breeders give flower time from flip to harvest,so the first few weeks are included.
  5. R

    Why do some LED lights cost $800+ without being 8 times bigger?

    most led lights are made in china,even the ''quality'' ones.
  6. R

    Big yielded but resistant to mold

    he's clearly talking about rot and not pm,hence why he mentioned big yeilder and bud rot,,,,so i think you need to learn to read. and even if he did mean pm,the same still applies.
  7. R

    Big yielded but resistant to mold

    wrong,some strains are more resistent to bud rot than others. i had a strain that always used to get some bud rot even when airflow and humidity was kept in check other strains grown in the same room with it were fine tho. so yes some strains have better resistance than others. also some...
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    Estimate my yield

    6-8 ounces
  9. R


    lots of tokers in europe mix tobacco and weed. thats a terrible way to smoke the dank.
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    Exotic Strain Reccomedation

    pakistan chitral kush will give you mostly purple and pink phenotypes. and check out exotic genetix seeds for some colourful offerings.
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    Best yielding strains?

    cheesydick by big buddha is a nice strain and big yielder,crap name tho.
  12. R

    Looking for some chemmy, gassy smelling strains

    good chem strains or crosses should give you what you want.
  13. R

    What strain for large yield, short flower time with good bag apeal ?

    pck isnt really a big yeilder,plus its not quick to flower.its more of a 9-10 weeker,the regular version. nice strain tho,very colouful,,im growing cheestral right now.
  14. R

    Can anyone recommend a good strain for Anxiety and Depression?

    something racy like a sativa can make anxiety worse,he needs something relaxing and mentally uplifting.
  15. R

    Is Bill Maher fk'd?

    making jokes about slavery isnt being on your you know the evils white people did to black people during those times? rape,torture,lynchings,feeding black babies to alligators,sexual abuse and mental abuse.have you heard of the black holocaust? and im telling you right now,he'd never...
  16. R

    How many ways can you spell 'payoff'? The Obama book deal

    obama wouldnt have been elected if he only had the black vote. further more trump has rich elites working alongside him now like former goldman sachs veterans and wall street elites.
  17. R

    How many ways can you spell 'payoff'? The Obama book deal

    didnt obama release an award winning book back in 2006?so he has already had success as a author,and that was before anyone knew who he was.