Going to cut into branches and hang inside my grow cupboard as its humidity is around 50%..leave for approximately 5 days then transfer to jars with 62% humidity packs in and cure them for a week or so.What are your plans for drying? I live in in very low humidity area (it's 28% rh right now!) so I'm gonna hang the whole plant to slow down the dry time. I'm also debating to hang upside down or right side up mostly for trimming purpose since I'm not trimming it wet. I think it would be way easier to trim dried bud if it was dried right side up cuz the leaves wouldn't drape down and blanket the nugs.
I've researched my ass off but like everything else in this hobby there's endless contradictions... a lot of people claim that their way is the right and only way to do things.
Anyways sorry foe the ramble...but I am curious on your thoughts and plans.
Well that's the plan haha..how ut goes is another story