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  1. Mirrordawn

    Need help identifying a problem

    Peat moss sucks ... It gets compact when its wet and is very acidic. (This is coming from past experience) Try using a coco perlite mix instead, you will have less issues in my opinion
  2. Mirrordawn

    How much do you think this plant will yield? (Educated Guess Game)

    If you have to ask .... It's not going to be much ;)
  3. Mirrordawn

    Should I harvest?

    What are you going to do? What are your options? Bloom it for another week? a month? Crop that thing and plant the next batch. Why is this even a debate?
  4. Mirrordawn

    PGR Weed

    Trust me aint no one want to buy your poorly dried, steroid infested bud Want to be a good gardener? Ditch the chems and figure it out like everyone else on this website. You have every learning aid you could possibly ever need and more .... Beautiful thing the information era is! You butcher...
  5. Mirrordawn

    PGR Weed

    Stick to tomatoes
  6. Mirrordawn

    Aussie Growers Thread

    I'll check em out thanks for the recommendation. I've been doing everything local this year as I found a good hydro guy, he matches the prices he finds on ebay. So he don't overcharge you for nutes like I know I some places do. *cough*...
  7. Mirrordawn

    Aussie Growers Thread

    My hydro dude told me it's a local company. They were out of spiderfarmers and time wasn't really on my side Hahah too late already upgraded all my lights ... Would of been great if you sent me that link a few weeks back :D
  8. Mirrordawn

    Aussie Growers Thread
  9. Mirrordawn

    Aussie Growers Thread

    I'm duplicating the setup in an adjacent room. I've chucked some solar panels on the roof but the power bill is still pretty beefy. One cord is going into the surge board and the other two cables are the nodes in the epicenter
  10. Mirrordawn

    Aussie Growers Thread

    Yes there is E.C node and P.H node in the epicenter. The E.C Node also reads the water temperature in the buckets. It has to stay below 20 degrees for the roots to stay healthy. There is a water chiller attached on the other side of the canopy. When I get back into the grow room I'll give you...
  11. Mirrordawn

    Aussie Growers Thread

  12. Mirrordawn

    Aussie Growers Thread

    Hey fellas been real busy last few weeks so I haven't had a chance to jump on a catch up with everyone. I wanted to show off the grow. I am extremely embrassed to show this because since I started this grow I've had nothing but issues and kinks. I am using a new system, new strain(from seed)...
  13. Mirrordawn

    PGR Weed

    Look man, if you can't get good yields without PGR's .... You should probably try growing garden flowers instead ... sorry to say ...
  14. Mirrordawn

    PGR Weed

    We've already talked about this dude, go back a few pages
  15. Mirrordawn

    PGR Weed

    Wait... the stuff that made frogs gay? A license ... like weed? Well look how that turned out :lol: There should be a place where they sell clean weed and government makes money from it. Wtf why is that such a fantasy????
  16. Mirrordawn

    PGR Weed

    Remember how easy it was to get fake weed a few years ago. Australia has always been late to game with shit like that.
  17. Mirrordawn

    Aussie Growers Thread

    Honestly bro I add coconut water(15ml per litre) with a teaspoon of eco seaweed and treat transplant shock for all my veggies. I fed it to my Incredible bulk seasonals last year and they smell great, but it's hard to tell cause the strain is smelly as is. Just steal that shit from woolies bro...
  18. Mirrordawn

    Spider mites during flower HELP PLEASE!!!!

    Yes, growers in heavy rain fall areas have a problem with this. You either bring it indoors or you cover it from frost or rainfall. In veg it aint so bad, but those buds will go moldy with fuck all aeration and excess moisture.
  19. Mirrordawn

    PGR Weed

    Now more than ever my man, its heart breaking The government doesn't give a fuck about our health! They would rather it be illegal so they continue to give this illusion that the war on drugs is working. They don't care, they haven't figured out how to regulate it without losing the countries...
  20. Mirrordawn

    PGR Weed

    Lots of great info here thanks for the such a response. It will be interesting to see how the street market will adapt when prohibition fades away, not in my life time though. Plant Growth Regulator for short, overly red weed with terrible smell and taste. Smells like a laundry hamper and...