PGR Weed

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Yeah.... nice 2g burnt piece if shit ya got there. You need pgr ya fucking noob!
This is how that plant finished. When you grow something thats A1 like this then your opion will matter. Nothing burnt about my plants. My feed is dialed in. You don’t even know what your looking at or talking about. I have a lot more pics if you care to see more.
Very much agree the big offenders that I’m aware of :namely PacloButrazol
Are easy to spot .. if I’m not It mistaken it’s a phospho lipid.
Swollen calyxs and little trichrome development . Plus the color was always a little off.

I use organic methods and incorporate triacantrol,cytokinetins, Humid/fulvic acids And salysilic acid. Also use IBA acid for cloning.
( forgive me I’m sure I misspelled all those )

i consider all those PGR And Am all about The life and vitality of my soil. I would not put in anything that I feel is poison.

just want to say it’s a touchy subject and nuanced.Lots of interesting work being done by labs in regards to plant growth and PGRs.. and they’re are organic PGRs they enhance growth or flower formation and .. are not poisonous to humans. ( at lest they have not been proven to be yet)
Thanks for
“Naming The names “ in regards to synthetic PGRs that are carcinogenic. Paclo is btw..

And food for Thought EVERY SINGLE piece of fruit or veggie you get in a store that is not organic ...
Wash it well! especially apples.

I am frequently mistaken but I believe paclobutrozol was formulated to boost apple production ..

take everything I With a grain of salt and dyor

Y’all should take into consideration that there are indeed lab formulated PGRs and PGRs that Occur naturally in nature and can be harvested organically and used to control the plants growth features...

look into...

SST - Sprouted seed tea (tons of natural growth hormones, different kinds and uses via different seeds)
IMO 1-5 - locally cultivated indigenous microorganisms
FPJ - fermented plant juice
FFP - fermented fruit juice
LAB - lactobacillus culture
And much more etc...

Totally against bottled/lab created PGRs, but the organic kind created through natural alchemy is where it’s at.

the soil and the plants will love it and you don’t risk ugly unnaturally dense looking buds etc.

All about intention.
We've already talked about this dude, go back a few pages
Hey do you mind posting the link about that discussion. I’ve been looking but can’t seem to find it. I think I’ve figure out why I haven’t been yielding as much. I need to focus on doing more training in veg. Force the plant to make more branches by topping and doing a kelp foliar. That’s advice I got from a grower on Instagram. I should be able to get two a light.
Hey do you mind posting the link about that discussion. I’ve been looking but can’t seem to find it. I think I’ve figure out why I haven’t been yielding as much. I need to focus on doing more training in veg. Force the plant to make more branches by topping and doing a kelp foliar. That’s advice I got from a grower on Instagram. I should be able to get two a light.
Stick to tomatoes
Go water your three plants. If you stay on this site long enough maybe you’ll be able to grow the quality that im producing.
Trust me aint no one want to buy your poorly dried, steroid infested bud

Want to be a good gardener? Ditch the chems and figure it out like everyone else on this website. You have every learning aid you could possibly ever need and more .... Beautiful thing the information era is! You butcher it when you cut corners and you hamper the progress of anyone that follows your bullshit advice in the future.
Oh so you had to say badly dried because you couldn’t say badly grown(clearly). I’ve never even used pgrs before idiot so what exactly would I be ditching. Please keep up with the conversation. I’m loosing brain cells. I’m out of here.
hah, who would guess greedy bastard would use info on how to cheat regulations to get more weed... here mate, maybe you can learn a thing or two, since you dont even know about LST and HST for bigger yields:

and definetly buy all of this so you can go bankrupt as soon as possible:

anyway, someone wanted source of bad pgr products, it was mentioned in article posted here:

  • Bushload by General Hydroponics
  • Gravity by Emerald Triangle
  • Flower Dragon by Grow Envy
  • Phosphoload by Dutch Master
  • Superbud by Dutch Master
  • Rock Juice
  • Boonta Bud
  • Rox
  • Mega Bud
  • Dr Nodes
  • Yield Masta/Sudden Impact
now, organic or synthetic pgrs (regulators, not retardants), it shouldnt matter... we use synthetic nutrients for hydroponics, right? its about how they react to our organism... a.k.a. canceours or not... according to High Times article, which unfortunately doesnt have citations, in this article:

"Studies done in lab mice show that paclobutrazol is toxic to the liver at high doses, but does not increase the risk of cancer, is not genotoxic and does not cause reproductive or developmental harm. In all instances, the studies performed on mice used exposures to paclobutrazol at concentrations far above those present in agricultural products when used correctly. (...) These compounds are dangerous in high doses, and have untold effects at low, chronic amounts long-term. (...) Daminozide was approved for use in 1963. In 1989 the Environmental Protection Agency cancelled the use of daminozide on crops for food citing studies that found it probably causes cancer."

probable, as in, not enough studies was done to explain exact mechanism of tumor creation, but enough so that we can have correlation, because usually there is control group which would eliminate any randomnes...

another article, which has nice tables and list of PGRs, but again, no citation of research done, can be found at our dear Humbolt Seeds blog:

also ive red about crazy reports using gibberellin acid, but i couldnt find the sauce now... hope i could be of help, in this humbolt one you can find 2 natural GPR's that may come in handy for you pioneers... btw thank you @Bears_win and @maranibbana for info, im definetly gonna research and use this info for my next grow... Happy growing! <3

*edit, found another good read about hormones:

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hah, who would guess greedy bastard would use info on how to cheat regulations to get more weed... here mate, maybe you can learn a thing or two, since you dont even know about LST and HST for bigger yields:

and definetly buy all of this so you can go bankrupt as soon as possible:

anyway, someone wanted source of bad pgr products, it was mentioned in article posted here:

  • Bushload by General Hydroponics
  • Gravity by Emerald Triangle
  • Flower Dragon by Grow Envy
  • Phosphoload by Dutch Master
  • Superbud by Dutch Master
  • Rock Juice
  • Boonta Bud
  • Rox
  • Mega Bud
  • Dr Nodes
  • Yield Masta/Sudden Impact
now, organic or synthetic pgrs (regulators, not retardants), it shouldnt matter... we use synthetic nutrients for hydroponics, right? its about how they react to our organism... a.k.a. canceours or not... according to High Times article, which unfortunately doesnt have citations, in this article:

"Studies done in lab mice show that paclobutrazol is toxic to the liver at high doses, but does not increase the risk of cancer, is not genotoxic and does not cause reproductive or developmental harm. In all instances, the studies performed on mice used exposures to paclobutrazol at concentrations far above those present in agricultural products when used correctly. (...) These compounds are dangerous in high doses, and have untold effects at low, chronic amounts long-term. (...) Daminozide was approved for use in 1963. In 1989 the Environmental Protection Agency cancelled the use of daminozide on crops for food citing studies that found it probably causes cancer."

probable, as in, not enough studies was done to explain exact mechanism of tumor creation, but enough so that we can have correlation, because usually there is control group which would eliminate any randomnes...

another article, which has nice tables and list of PGRs, but again, no citation of research done, can be found at our dear Humbolt Seeds blog:

also ive red about crazy reports using gibberellin acid, but i couldnt find the sauce now... hope i could be of help, in this humbolt one you can find 2 natural GPR's that may come in handy for you pioneers... btw thank you @Bears_win and @maranibbana for info, im definetly gonna research and use this info for my next grow... Happy growing! <3

*edit, found another good read about hormones:

Thanks for the links I’m going to read the icmag one tomorrow morning.
One good turn deserves another : this is the source for gibberellic acid and others. Powerful potions
i went trough rabbit hole in PGR threads on ICMAG... i stopped yesterday, because in the end, i forgot almost everything i red... there is so much about them, that you have to take into consideration (some act in synergy, some as opposite of that (cant rememer the word)), couple more threads i recommend are:

some guys did their own tests, but no pics (prob to protect themselves), so i cannot vow for anything being true, but... there are some really informed people there in threads, and a good ammount of research papers presented... im gonna go trough them all again for the weekend and extract valuable info about it... its definetly a tricky and advanced method to use in grow, it takes good ammount of understanding of how they affect plant physiology and proper chemistry to understand how to make them... another gem i found was about how to dissolve tricontanol:

from what i understood was, in veg they use PGRS that boost plant immunity and growth, in week 2 or 4 of flower they use PGRS that boost plants resistance (trichomes)...
Just some related context I guess.

Hemp/cana and various other plants are used in radio active areas. A bit like mushrooms, they can act like toxic waste recyclers. That's all well and good, but would you smoke or eat plants grown in Chernobyl?. I personally wouldn't, even if they said it was safe.

After Nagasaki and Hiroshima many people died to radiation poisoning and on a generational basis, children had birth defects also. There's an island that the American government dropped bombs near to test the results of radiation on the tribe there (Hitler is seriously over rated as humanity's go to definition of evil) while leading them to believe they were perfectly safe. A large portion of those people got the same forms of cancer and children where being born with mutations, some extremely horrifying (don't look it up, just trust me). This was all due to the heavy radioactive metals leaching into the life cycle via water, plants, etc.

The American government alone tested around 1200 nuclear bombs, that we know of. Many under water, many in the upper atmosphere. The Russians are said to have tested around half that but again, it's a huge and secretive country.. so only as far as we know. None the less I feel safe to say a minimum of 3000 nuclear bombs from various nations have been exploded on or above our planet, and not a very long time ago either.

Our planet is mostly a closed loop when it comes to things within the atmosphere, large volcanic eruptions send ash clouds thousands of miles down wind to other countries, rather than into space.

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The above pic is our planet in a nut shell. The 3000+ nuclear bombs worth of radiation and heavy metals didn't just disappear, nor did the radiation from various reactor meltdowns, all of it was dissipated all over the planet via the upper atmosphere/jet stream. Add this to the toxicity of plastics, pollution and other man made materials leaching into the water/soil system and I don't think we truly are aware that at some point we are all very likely to get the news ''you have cancer''. It's rally no joke, those nukes set off in the atmosphere continue to fuck the entire eco system, yet it is highly dismissed since the American government (the worlds leading power) are mostly to blame for it.

I guess the point I am trying to make is cana appears to be able to uptake a lot of toxic stuff. I would not want to feed it anything that has links to cancer. However, organic soils and supplements are FAR from automatically safe. It's not like such products shipped from all over the world/oceans come with ''radiation'' or ''heavy metal'' warning levels, who would buy. They are barely even testing that kind of thing for the most part, at least in my limited research of it. So, for context, if you want to remove PGR intake, and you should, go for it. Just be aware that switching to organics isn't guaranteed to be safe either, research the sources of your organics and find ways to test for the heavy metals. If you can't do that then stick with basic raw elemental based dry salt feeds. A lot of the unknowns are removed that way.

It's a horribly sad situation were hydroponic based raw elemental feeds are one of the few ways we can grow clean MJ and even food produce.
Good rant, dont forget engine exhaust, the carbon nano tubes we breath in, if you have asthma your lungs are full of carbon, apparently. Been moving to powdered nutes over past few years for these reasons. Chicken cherynobyle buy two wings third is free, it might not look like the others but is free. You made many good points, ty.
So your telling us that if you use a chemical to cover up the pgr to pass a test, that the same chemical will "bring back the taste and quality" that the pgr ruined? Not possible. period.
Bud , you are in the wrong business. (or the right one depending on who you are) If you cannot make ends meet without the use of pgr's then why not quit ?
Why are you trying to compare or compete with big shitty commercial grows? 3lbs under a light just sounds like shit. im positive it taste like shit. im not saying it cannot be done , im saying your posts show you have no care for the weed, only the money.

Just googled this. Holy shit it's even straight up marketed like that.

I thought it was all pothead bro stories until I saw this.

Just googled this. Holy shit it's even straight up marketed like that.

I thought it was all pothead bro stories until I saw this.
$114 per litre... PGR growers are being robbed by these guys. No fucks given, in fact I hope they sell more of it to those inconsiderate assholes.