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  1. Spliffer1

    H202-- Help!

    Thanks! LOVE the Shelby!
  2. Spliffer1

    When is it time to change to bloom nutes?

    Thanks! That's pretty much how I figured it should work. My veg growth appears to be slowing slightly, with most of the new growth filling out the inner/lower nodes. They're really filling in nicely. Here's my Northern Lights- I've had her tied down from day 1. The main trunk is approx 4'...
  3. Spliffer1

    When is it time to change to bloom nutes?

    This one, my NYC Diesel, and a Thai are getting direct sun for probably 10 hrs, or so. The others are showing just a little bit, but nothing like this one in particular, and this is the only LS I have in the ground and don't have another one to compare it to. Having never grown this one before...
  4. Spliffer1

    When is it time to change to bloom nutes?

    My outside babies are all showing hair on their cootchies, as they should now going into pre-flower. Actually, this little Lemon skunk is just covered in hair, growing from the very bottom of the branches to the top. It's been pretty warm here, and the calyix's are longer than they normally...
  5. Spliffer1

    H202-- Help!

    I suppose another silly question would be- do I NEED to add the bennies. Thus far, I'm using Dyna-Gro flora, DG Protect, and a couple drops per gal of Superthrive. I realize that all of this info is (buried) in other posts, and I've looked at some of the advice, and it gets VERY confusing...
  6. Spliffer1

    H202-- Help!

    So, by using the ice to keep the res water cool, does that keep any algae and such from growing? How often do you change your water? Will the benficials prevent anymore algae from growing? I'm still wrapping my head around the nutrient/beneficials required for a good indoor grow.
  7. Spliffer1

    H202-- Help!

    Thanks, that's a good idea. My air temps are hanging in the mid 70's, though I am SURE after you mention it, that the flat black on there now will draw heat like a sponge. And now that it's 'blacked in', it will paint easily with white.
  8. Spliffer1

    H202-- Help!

    Okay, Iv'e recently taken up a bubble system, cloning my outdoor, and moving it in. Clones made it alright, and I set them in hydroton in my net pot, and began with a very light solution - less than 100ppm, ph staying right around 6. I've had 2 rookie issues, that I've recently corrected. 1)...
  9. Spliffer1

    Lowering pH

    Understand. Have had the same thing happen in the past. I catch them shortly after they open up and get them planted, just to prevent that very thing. I've also had outstanding results using the peat pellets to germinate and grow seedlings.
  10. Spliffer1

    When is it too much?

    Ahaa! Never thought of using my scope for that, thanks! I always start low on the fert scale, even lower on this hydro gro. Being my "cherry", I didn't want to zap 'em right off the bat. I've gradually added low amounts over the course of a week after setting the seedling, and it did very well...
  11. Spliffer1

    Lowering pH

    Yeah, those seeds should germ between wet paper towels in just a couple/ few days. Your ph is fine for germing. As long as it's close to neutral- not real high or low, it will make little difference to your sprouts. Soaking them overnight in a little water will speed this up even more. Most of...
  12. Spliffer1

    When is it too much?

    I've been following this regimen, as posted by another member (thanks, by the way), and it's worked well thus far. Any input is appreciated!
  13. Spliffer1

    When is it too much?

    I've recently started my first hydro grow, and I'm needing to know- when nutes are added, how long does it take before the plants reflect the nute changes. I'm wanting to pump up the volume of my nitrogen nute for growth, and I'm wondering as I add, how long will it take for the plant to show...
  14. Spliffer1

    "First" grow on a small budget

    Yeah man! They'll like those cooler temps a lot better, are you running a humidifier? The A/C unit will dry much of the moisture out of the air. I'm REALLY worried about my garden outside, they do not like this heat! The auto's that I grew (just harvested the last one) were showing signs of heat...
  15. Spliffer1

    "First" grow on a small budget

    My ol' lady says she see's a pattern here, the way I like by bitches tied down!
  16. Spliffer1

    "First" grow on a small budget

    Looking good! Looking good! The Northern Lights and Skunk both trained real easily, I started tying them when they were still seedlings. Just don't put much tension out on the end of the branch- go more towards the middle, and apply tension gradually ove a period of a few days. This is today's...
  17. Spliffer1

    "First" grow on a small budget

    That PE looks sweet, and the little ones look happy, too! Did they all make it? I put 1 of my Northern Lights in the dwc on Wed, and stuck a couple more Lemon Skunk clones, yesterday. I want to see how it does in a dwc. You'll get a guff out of my set-up when I get some pics going, the...
  18. Spliffer1

    "First" grow on a small budget

    When you say 'hydro store', do you mean the GP or is there another store I haven't visited, yet?
  19. Spliffer1

    "First" grow on a small budget

    Dude, she's looking good now!
  20. Spliffer1

    What is the deal with these leaves?

    And they're growing like mad. We had a good rain night before last, and that's all fresh new growth on top. It's just when the leaves first emerge, they're all wierd shaped, contorted. My other one's growing normal. I don't know. As long as it produces good bud, I'm a happy hippie!