Lowering pH


Would it hurt the plant or seed to use Lemon Juice to lower the water pH. Medium im using is Organic Root.
I ask because I planted 5 seeds to germinate (femanized seeds) and none germinated after 10 day's.
The water I use is at about 7.1 pH and a friend told me for germinating use water at 6.5pH.
If the seeds had popped, this would have been my second grow, didn't have any problems with the first grow germinating the seeds, maybe I got some bad seeds??? I've read so much, im totally confused and really don't know what im doing.

Any help would be appreciated.

Mabe try the paper towel method for germing. Also helps if you can keep them warmish during germinating them. Mabe on top of the water heater or next to the hot water cylinder. As for lemon juice I've never pH'd water for germing so no answers on that
Well, its often noted that you're only suppose to use Baking Soda or Vinegar to raise or lower the PH. As far as Lemon Juice is concerned, I really don't know.

Where did you get your seeds? Were they random bagseeds, and if so were they viable or pale/gray in color?
Thanks, I bought the seeds from Nirvana (feminized) they were the smallest seeds i've ever seen. Also they came in a plastic type tray with a gummed label. The seeds were stuck to the label, I removed them very carefully but I really dont know if that had anything to do with it.

Do you still have the seeds?

If so, I'd pull them out of the soil since they haven't germinated and attempt the paper towel method. Who knows, maybe they'll sprout.
Im actually trying that now. I dug the sees out of the soil, couldn't find one of them, like I said, they are the smallest seeds I've ever seen.
Would it hurt the plant or seed to use Lemon Juice to lower the water pH. Medium im using is Organic Root.
I ask because I planted 5 seeds to germinate (femanized seeds) and none germinated after 10 day's.
The water I use is at about 7.1 pH and a friend told me for germinating use water at 6.5pH.
If the seeds had popped, this would have been my second grow, didn't have any problems with the first grow germinating the seeds, maybe I got some bad seeds??? I've read so much, im totally confused and really don't know what im doing.

Any help would be appreciated.


I know what ya mean about being confused with many method to germinate seeds....

its really simple...you need to soak those seeds with TAP water (mine 7.5 ph) but seeds dont need any pH adjuster...soak em overnight that seeds will activate their emynzes and put in the soilless or seed starter soil in the party cup 16oz. thats it. No dome because its already soaked with water and no PH needed , IMHO.

Hope this will help ya.

happy growing and peace
Yeah, those seeds should germ between wet paper towels in just a couple/ few days. Your ph is fine for germing. As long as it's close to neutral- not real high or low, it will make little difference to your sprouts. Soaking them overnight in a little water will speed this up even more. Most of mine are ready to plant into a seedling mix in usually 2, and almost always within 3 days. Sometimes you'll get a late bloomer, but...
As the seeds go, Nirvana has some of the best seeds available (imo), and I've had 99% or better germ rate with them. For none of them to pop, they'll question your germing method.
And I've found that most of the seeds are very small to tiny, unlike most bagseeds which are usually larger and more robust looking. But don't be fooled by this- Northern Lights seeds are rather small, and mine (outdoors) is about 4 1/2' tall and a GOOD 5' in diameter, and showing pre-flower. So, there's a lot of plant in one of those tiny seeds.
Good Luck!!!!
Thanks for all the replies. I emailed back and forth with Nirvana, and they are replacing the seeds for me. You can't ask for more than that. From now on, I guess I'll germinate with a paper towel. This is the first time I had problems with Nirvana seeds and they appear to take care of business. Nirvana ROCKS!
Thanks for all the replies. I emailed back and forth with Nirvana, and they are replacing the seeds for me. You can't ask for more than that. From now on, I guess I'll germinate with a paper towel. This is the first time I had problems with Nirvana seeds and they appear to take care of business. Nirvana ROCKS!

im glad that you got resolved with Nirvana !

i hate to be sound like dick but paper towel isnt good for germinate seeds because when the seed sprout the rootlet...the root hair will be grow into towel when you transfer the paper towel to the medium , you will have to pull or force snap the roots fine and delicate hair from the paper. Thats why I recommended how to germinate in my first post. But if you feel that paper towel is good then ill respect it, bro. Good luck with new seeds :D

happy gardening and peace.
Understand. Have had the same thing happen in the past. I catch them shortly after they open up and get them planted, just to prevent that very thing.
I've also had outstanding results using the peat pellets to germinate and grow seedlings.
Nirvana has good customer service.

As spliffer said, peat pots work great for germing seeds. Just soak the peat pots in water (takes an hour or so for them to expand), pup the seeds in, and throw em under a dome.

I wouldn't recommend the paper towel method, as you shouldnt be handling the taproot. peat pots will work fine.
I have been looking for a place to put this new post where someone might see it. I too purchased some shady seeds from one of those places that take a credit card. I got two males. I only paid thirty dollars so I'm not complaining but it was disappointing compared to past seasons. This season I used a special germ pot totally sterile. I comprised of an eight ounce foam cup.IMG-20120706-00032.jpg

It looked like this under a 15w grow lamp from Wally world after three weeks. It consists an eight ounce foam coffee cup with holes the size of a pencil poked in the bottom about an inch to inch and a quarter from the bottom. I used the bottom of a larger cup with no holes to protect the growing area from drips. Then I cut another foam cup to fit as it grew for a support to keep it upright. Transplant when the third leaf is fully developed. Just pluck it from the container cup on the bottom cut three holes in the bottom with a razor knife and it transplants magically. Two more items to wrap it up. Fill the cup with three heaping teaspoons of Miracle Grow Perlite then top with four heaping teaspoons of Jiffy seed starting mix (marked !00 per cent organic). Plant seed directly in the cup for speedy process at about one half inch or a little more. Mist the cup daily in an alternate cup. Then place back into the container cup after dripping. Don't leave any standing water in the container cup. When the plant rises mist only the soil not the plant and use only distilled water with no other ingredients until the plant has several inches. My garden is now full so it's track tested.