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  1. smokinrav

    Insomniacs Unite!!!!

    Now I'm Up. SNL
  2. smokinrav

    Please Ban Me: Says the Propagandist Puppet.

    Good save hanimmal. Thread deleted. But we still have a moron to laugh at!
  3. smokinrav

    Insomniacs Unite!!!!

    Sitting in the doctors office right now to get my scrip of Seroquel and Trazadone renewed. If you haven't tried them, it's a miracle drug combo for me and my insomnia.
  4. smokinrav

    Political memes ONLY.. To prove your political points.

    Dude. What!? The LSD is strong in this one...
  5. smokinrav

    Political memes ONLY.. To prove your political points.

    They wouldn't dare come here to Chicago. Too many guns.
  6. smokinrav

    Tesla New Model Unveil...

    Elon Musk's wet dream. Watch this clever deep fake in full screen
  7. smokinrav

    'Name One Thing The Republicans Are For?'

    Years ago, I was having trouble with my 10 year old, who I love so much, but didn't quite like at the time. She couldn't communicate without sarcasm. Heavy dripping sarcasm. I couldn't believe I was the only one with a love/don't-like relationship with a child. So I Google search 'I don't like...
  8. smokinrav

    Dear Trump fans,

    Incompetent and wrong. had one in the late 90s. had a very active political section until 2005. had one too for a few years after that, and, of course, RIU since what, 2009? There's more, I'm sure, but I like it here.
  9. smokinrav

    Convoy? ..Convoy!

    Those last socks had dirty feet and blown elastic and smelled pretty bad. I hope this new one has made it to Wal Mart lately
  10. smokinrav

    Convoy? ..Convoy!

    That's a good one. Might take out the whole drivetrain but the tranny.
  11. smokinrav


    Even the deplorables didnt like to be lied to 15 years ago. GWB lowest national approval.was 25% when it bacame clear WMD was a hoax perpetrated by Cheney et. al.
  12. smokinrav

    Convoy? ..Convoy!

    Shhhhh...don't tell anyone i told you this, but a Twix bar piece is smaller than the unleaded fuel nozzle hole. Plop, plop, plop, plop, sometime later seized engine, clogged tank oor fuel lines. Don't ask me how I know.
  13. smokinrav


  14. smokinrav

    'Name One Thing The Republicans Are For?'

    They don't like butterflies?
  15. smokinrav


    I stand corrected. Its far too unstable to be on. I should have said they've been exploring it by helicopter, ship, submarine and ROV for years.
  16. smokinrav


    Like you, about Thwaites. A- Thwaities is the doomsday glacier, but the part they're worried about is the sea ice plug hold the rest in place. The plug that will raise sea levels 3", the rest of it, 3 feet. B)-There have been teams studying Thwaites for decades. There are several on the...
  17. smokinrav


    Evolution will again take over and eventually make new apex predators. May even make another bi ped with big brains and prehensile thumbs Earth will live on for 5 billion more years.
  18. smokinrav


    Its the methane in permafrost that's gonna negatvely alter life on earth permanently. The last 150 years of burning fossil fuels just lit the fuse for the methane to be released.
  19. smokinrav

    Police Interactions.

    This is just the video in slo mo and normal speed. Look at the end of the video to see the gun come out. This is unedited video of the murder. You are warned.
  20. smokinrav


    Just read this today. Methane explosions in the Arctic circle from warming permafrost