Police Interactions.

this guy and his dad (dad might skate the charges) is gonna be buried under a federal facility until Buck Rogers shows up.

each full auto modified firearm is a serious felony charge. he's f*cked.

Is this serious? :lol: I don't want to give my DNA to catch this criminal, because I plan on being a criminal in the future :clap: Shut the fuck up, just don't commit crimes bongsmilie This guy is a dipshit.
nope, listened to it, once again, Beau makes sense, and you sound like a fascist authoritarian fuck...who would have imagined that? me :lol:
You're willful ignorance cracks me up everytime :lol: Let's say Jim is a rapist, he's raped dozens of women. Then ol Jim gets a taste of his own medicine. His DNA should be inadmissible in a trial against him, because at one point in time he was a victim? You're so full of shit :clap: And this is coming from. San Francisco, what a surprise :roll:
Are you just just being a troll?

Let's say Jill is say is out at a bar and gets raped and beaten up. Jill happens to be a idk, say a drug dealer. She goes to the hospital and is scared to do a rape kit because she doesn't want her DNA to be used against her if there is ever a chance she could get busted because say something stupid like one of her hairs was in a bag. So she doesn't do the rape kit, and any chance of arresting the rapist for raping Jill, is gone.

Of course that is just one bullshit example, but if you stopped and actually thought about it and not just go to some idiotic 'owning of the libs' posting, you might actually understand why it is not a good thing.

But hey Russia is currently attacking Ukraine, Trump is in deep shit since his accounting firm cried uncle, the bullshit astroturf Trucking 'convoy' failed, and the Republicans are falling apart and saying anything in something like throwing spaghetti against the wall to see what sticks with nonsensical troll after another. So I am not holding my breath that some random online account wakes up and smells the hate mongering and acts like a actual human being who is not being paid to try to trigger people into forgetting any of the above.
Do you hear yourself? If you can't do the time, don't do the crime. No one is entitled to break the law. I'd call Jill selfish for allowing a rapist to run free so she can sell drugs. But you know, that's common sense, which you are dangerously lacking.
Of course you bring up Trump :clap: Just lose an argument with some class.
Do you hear yourself? If you can't do the time, don't do the crime. No one is entitled to break the law. I'd call Jill selfish for allowing a rapist to run free so she can sell drugs. But you know, that's common sense, which you are dangerously lacking.
Of course you bring up Trump :clap: Just lose an argument with some class.
And yet here you are on a website dedicated to something that is federally illegal, talking shit like a good little brainwashed cuck who just wants to be contrary.

lol at your final little troll btw, good try at deflecting.
Get fucked moron. You spew hypocritical hatred daily on here. I'm not surprised you imagined something, just about everything you claim on this site is imagined bongsmilie
Hey, scrub, you should look at your own posts before criticizing others. We've dealt with your kind for far too long and a few are returning fire in your own rhetoric.

So, now you complain? Weak assed snowflake can't handle it when your poo is thrown back at you.

Fucking scrubs, we won't give you and your kind anything but the brush off.
Exactly, when your argument is proven wrong, you resort to personal attacks. Ive got to quit responding with valid points, ill get banned from this thread by the Rollitup Gestapo like I did the last one :lol: Funny you call me an Authoritarian, while buddying up with those who silence anyone they don't agree with bongsmilie
Because you said so, impressive logic you have there.

As for your snowflake troll, I only ever speak for myself, and pretending otherwise is just more of that cuck logic that you think wins you arguments when people decide it is a waste of time to try to talk with you after you prove yourself to be a troll.

But I disagree with your narrative that a person who is a victim of a rape should have to worry that their rape kit will ever be used against them.

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SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — The San Francisco district attorney’s stunning claim that California crime labs are using DNA from sexual assault survivors to investigate unrelated crimes shocked prosecutors nationwide, and advocates said the practice could affect victims’ willingness to come forward.

District Attorney Chesa Boudin said he became aware of the “opaque practice” last week after prosecutors found a report among hundreds of pages of evidence in the case against a woman recently charged with a felony property crime. The papers referred to a DNA sample collected from the woman during a 2016 rape investigation.

Boudin read from the report Tuesday at a news conference and said he could not share it because of privacy concerns, but his office allowed the San Francisco Chronicle to review the documents. The newspaper said the woman was tied to a burglary in late 2021 during “a routine search” of a San Francisco Police Department crime lab database. The match came from DNA gathered from the same laboratory listed in a report on the sexual assault, The Chronicle reported.

Boudin said someone at the crime lab told his office the practice was a standard procedure. According to Rachel Marshall, Boudin’s spokeswoman, that person was crime lab Director Mark Powell.

Powell did not respond Wednesday to an email from The Associated Press seeking comment.

San Francisco Police Chief Bill Scott said his department is investigating. If he finds his department is using victims’ DNA to investigate other crimes, he is committed to ending the practice.

A spokesman declined to comment Wednesday on when the results of the investigation can be expected. He said Scott would likely address the allegations later Wednesday during a Police Commission meeting.

There are strict government regulations surrounding DNA collection and analysis on the state and federal level, yet dozens of local police departments around the U.S. have amassed their own DNA databases to track criminals, AP found in 2017.

It’s not clear whether that’s what occurred in the San Francisco crime lab, or if it’s what Boudin was referring to as a common practice.

“These databases work in the background with very little regulation and very little light,” said Jason Kreag, a law professor at the University of Arizona who has studied forensic DNA issues. “It doesn’t surprise me, and I wouldn’t think this is the only instance where it actually happened.”

California law allows local law enforcement crime labs to operate their own forensic databases that are separate from federal and state databases. The law also lets municipal labs perform forensic analysis, including DNA profiling, using those databases — without regulation by the state or others.

Kreag said there could be other instances where someone’s DNA is collected for a specific purpose and then run through a database. For example, homeowners could submit their DNA in a burglary case to exclude them, but later that DNA could be linked to another crime.

“Would the district attorney have come out so forcefully” in a case like that? Kreag asked. He said he has not heard of such a case involving a sexual assault victim’s DNA.

Several other law enforcement agencies in California and elsewhere around the U.S. pushed back against Boudin’s assertion that it was a common practice.

New York Police Department Detective Sophia Mason said the agency “does not enter victims’ DNA profiles into databases or use them in unrelated investigations.”

Los Angeles Police Chief Michel Moore said: “Certainly the department does not do that.”

District attorneys in San Mateo, Santa Clara and Sacramento counties also swatted down the suggestion, as did representatives from San Diego police, the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department crime lab and others.

In Oakland, law enforcement uses sexual assault victim DNA only “in the context of the case for which the evidence was submitted, not to investigate other cases.”

“As far as I know, it’s not a widespread practice,” said Ilse Knecht, director of policy and advocacy at the Joyful Heart Foundation, which assists survivors of sexual assault, domestic violence and child abuse.

Knecht and others fear the effect on sexual assault victims, many of whom are already reluctant to report their experiences to law enforcement. Experts say only a third of sexual assaults are reported to authorities.

The possibility — however remote — that an accuser’s DNA could be used against them could throw up additional barriers.

“I think anybody can understand how survivors would be fearful of reporting after hearing this story,” Knecht said.

Nelson Bunn, executive director of the National District Attorneys Association, said he did not personally know of crime labs using DNA in such a manner. Rape-kit DNA should only be used in sexual assault investigations, he said.

“Otherwise, trust would be eroded,” he said, citing “a detrimental effect on justice for victims of sexual assault.”

Boudin’s news conferences did not occur in a political vacuum. The progressive prosecutor faces a recall election in June and has been publicly feuding with local law enforcement.

The clash between his office and the police department intensified this month after the start of a trial against Terrance Stangel, a former police officer facing battery and assault charges for beating a man with a baton in 2019. It’s the first excessive-force case against an on-duty San Francisco police officer to go to trial.

Earlier this month, Scott ended an agreement to cooperate in the district attorney’s investigations of police shootings, in-custody deaths and uses of force resulting in serious injury because of concerns over the office’s impartiality.

Boudin has denied violating the agreement, and the two have since pledged to renegotiate it with help of the state attorney general and San Francisco’s mayor and city attorney.
Hey, scrub, you should look at your own posts before criticizing others. We've dealt with your kind for far too long and a few are returning fire in your own rhetoric.

So, now you complain? Weak assed snowflake can't handle it when your poo is thrown back at you.

Fucking scrubs, we won't give you and your kind anything but the brush off.

I like how you call "attacking someone because you're losing an argument" the "brush off" :lol:
@hanimmal wants to protect rapists so Jill can sell drugs.
All that book burning must have impacted your ability to read.


Or are you just playing stupid? Either way really, just more trolling bullshit.
Do you hear yourself? If you can't do the time, don't do the crime. No one is entitled to break the law. I'd call Jill selfish for allowing a rapist to run free so she can sell drugs. But you know, that's common sense, which you are dangerously lacking.
Of course you bring up Trump :clap: Just lose an argument with some class.
fortunately, you aren't in charge of interpreting the law...or anything else, except wiping your own ass, and you probably could use some pointer on that....it's never been a good idea to put people in a position where they are afraid of incriminating themselves...it causes all kinds of problems, you're just too fucking ignorant to understand it...the laws are out there, go fucking read something besides old racist dr. suess books

No scrubs. Your game is weak, no time for your deadbeat ass.

A scrub is a guy that thinks he's fly
And is also known as a buster
Always talking 'bout what he wants
And just sits on his broke ass