That just proves that criminal sociopaths can't even get along with each other.
That just proves that criminal sociopaths can't even get along with each other.
So trump made the tragedy about him. Big fucking surprise.
I just want to point out that all your racially loaded questions ended up in a dead end.So @hanimmal, do you recall others posting about Rittenhouses social media posts prior to the shooting? Do you remember him instantly being tied to white supremacy/right winger/etc etc by mainstream media and many posters here? Wasn’t it dictated exactly what was in his heart, and his evil assumed by his actions? The blanket statements about white this and white that because the white man is inherently the root of all issues in the world?
Is it unusual 17 hours later, it’s already being dismissed as a byproduct of this individual fleeing the scene where he stabbed someone? I didn’t see any officers pursuing him besides the one on foot valiantly chasing after the vehicle through the crowd. Or while “fleeing” is it strange he fired into the crowd while running people over?
Does his affiliation with BLM or anti police rhetoric mean anyone affiliated are evil like him?
Shouldn’t we assume the worst of him and attribute that to an entire group of people?
Was his car more deadly than Kyle’s AR?
Shouldn’t we assume anyone who shares similar thoughts he did about Rittenhouse or police are just as crazy and evil and inherently bad/the problem with this country?
Or instead do you agree with my mindset in that this was an individual, capable of individual thoughts and reason, influenced by outside forces? His perception of right and wrong his own and he does not speak for “the left” or “black people” and we should simply acknowledge evil comes in all forms?
Is he an anarchist? A communist? A (fill in the blank?) Or is he just Darrel Brooks Jr? A loser who is responsible for his own actions?
Darrell Brooks Jr.: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know
Police squads were at an address used by Darrell Brooks Jr. and law enforcement sources confirmed he was being questioned in connection with the Waukesha parade incident.heavy.com
I just want to point out that all your racially loaded questions ended up in a dead end.
The guy was out on parole, got into a domestic dispute, fled and crashed into the parade. It is horrific and the guy will end up in prison for the rest of his life (assuming accidentally killing people with a car can't be called self defense).
You are fucking racist windbag.
Tell us about all your black friends , again ?![]()
lulz "you are the racist" What loser.No you’re the racist. And you’re thick as shit if you think this asshole didn’t murder people intentionally. So quick to cover for him because he isn’t a “Trumper”
Fleeing a scene and accidentally killing people that’s like saying 9/11 was a plane accident after they committed a hijacking.
you’re constantly talking out of both sides of your mouth and genuinely full of hate for anyone you don’t see eye to eye with. Such a fucking boring tactic. Racist this and nazi that while I live a more diverse lifestyle than you could ever dream of. Stay in your BS safe space and I’ll be out enjoying the real world
lulz "you are the racist" What loser.
we see you. Your racist rant at the beginning of the thread is just one of many examples of your limited understanding of people and especially yourself.
Have you been to a real city's Secretary of State?the fact you can’t comprehend I used your own words against you is telling. You spew identical language towards “the right” and “white people” with blanket statemtents and I simply replaced them with “the left” and “black people”
Boo fucking hoo youre the one so obsessed with color. Skin pigmentation or political affiliation doesn’t, and shouldn’t, protect anyone from criticism. We’re all equal
You’re probably one of the fools who think voter ID is somehow racist because you think people of color are somehow less capable of obtaining ID than anyone else.
Have you been to a real city's Secretary of State?
Because if you have and you understand how we as a nation have crammed our minority communities into very small areas for the last hundred years you would maybe be able to understand how full of shit that last sentence is.
Ok, let's play this out then.You’re one of the most level headed people here. No way. No. Everyone can get an ID. You need one for multiple facets of life and if you can’t afford one they’re still obtainable. It may take effort but everyone is capable. It has nothing to do with race.
The Trump administration’s decision to revive and expand the Bush and Obama-era practice of denying U.S. passports to Latinos born in South Texas should come as no surprise. From his assault on Barack Obama’s citizenship to his allegations that Mexican immigrants are criminals and rapists to his promise to institute a Muslim ban, Donald Trump has made it abundantly clear that he believes the only true Americans are white.
But long before Trump rode to prominence promoting birtherism, birth certificates were an important instrument for policing the racial boundaries of citizenship. In the Jim Crow era, states used these seemingly innocuous public records to ensure that the rights of citizenship were accessible to white Americans — and no one else.
The best example of this comes from the career of Walter Plecker. Plecker, the state registrar of vital statistics in Virginia from 1912 to 1946, worked with the white-supremacist Anglo-Saxon Clubs of America to persuade the state legislature to pass the 1924 Racial Integrity Act.
The act not only forbade marriage between any white person and any “colored” person, but also defined a person as white only if they had “no trace whatsoever of any blood other than Caucasian.” The law also made it a felony to falsely register a person’s race on a birth, death or marriage certificate. This law would later be overturned by the landmark 1967 Supreme Court ruling in Loving v. Virginia. But for nearly a half-century, it was the law of the land in Virginia.
Plecker was obsessed with white racial purity, a cause he clearly connected to his belief that the United States was a white man’s country. In a 1924 speech before the American Public Health Association, Plecker claimed that when the English, Dutch and Scottish landed on the shores of North America, they came “to found a civilization of the highest type, not to mix their blood with the savages of the land, not to originate a mongrel population.” The fatal error, he believed, was made in 1619 when the Dutch introduced African slaves to North America. “The problem was not slavery,” he told his audience, “but the presence of the negro in what should be a white man’s land.”
For his part, Plecker dreamed of the day when all the descendants of Africans in the United States would return to Africa. He wanted to make America great again — 1618 great.
Barring that, however, he believed that legislation such as the Racial Integrity Act — combined with proper use of registration documents such as birth certificates — could prevent “amalgamation” and the destruction of Anglo-Saxon civilization. White Americans had to be on guard, Plecker explained, because the “mongrel” offspring of racial intermixture would try to pass themselves off as white and have their children registered as white on their birth certificates. They would, in effect, make an illegal border crossing.
Plecker’s office made his opinions official state policy. He and his clerks policed the boundaries of race, scrutinizing birth, death and marriage certificates for what they considered to be fraudulent attempts to pass as white or Native American (anyone having 1/16 or less of Indian ancestry was allowed to marry a white person). Plecker identified several Virginia counties that he believed were home to large “mixed blood” populations and assembled a list of surnames from suspect families.
Like the State Department today, Plecker considered births attended by midwives in these areas as particularly dubious. Whenever a baby from a suspect family on his list was registered for a birth certificate, Plecker flagged the certificate. He wrote to doctors, midwives and parents demanding they provide proof that the family had no “negro” blood.
In one letter to a midwife in 1924, Plecker warned that she had signed a birth certificate for a “white” baby from a family he considered “mixed.”
He wanted her to provide more information about the baby’s ancestry. “These people are mixed and can’t be listed as white,” he admonished.
“Even though he [the father] may be white in appearance, if he has any mixture of negro blood . . . he cannot be classified as white . . . Neither can his child be considered as white.”
Plecker reminded birth attendants that falsifying race on a birth certificate was punishable with jail time. He withheld birth certificates until parents or birth attendants, or the registered people themselves, agreed to “correct” their race, a process that always moved in one direction: from “white” to “colored.” If a person refused to agree to reclassification, or if the birth had been registered before the RIA took effect, Plecker issued the certificate with a note appended to the back, explaining that, according to his office, the person was not really white.
Virginia’s use of birth certificates to police racial purity had severe consequences. Plecker’s office corresponded with schools, hospitals, welfare agencies and other government entities to provide guidance about how to classify individuals so they could enforce state-sanctioned segregation. Though being re-classed from white to colored did not transform citizens into foreigners, as Trump’s passport denials threaten to do, it did transform them into second-class citizens. When access to employment, schools, marriage, voting, public accommodations, military service, jury duty and more could all be restricted by race, as was the case in the Jim Crow era, Plecker’s use of vital registration turned thousands of Americans into strangers in their own land. Indeed, that was the point.
Like the Trump administration today, Plecker’s reclassification scheme merged racism and xenophobia with a seemingly uncontroversial commitment to ensuring that our vital documents tell the truth. But like the present policy, only the (allegedly) nonwhite from certain areas, usually born to certain kinds of health-care providers, raised suspicion. And then as now, the underlying assumption was that only whites deserve the full rights and privileges of citizenship.
Sometimes a spade is just a spadeYou’re one of the most level headed people here. No way. No. Everyone can get an ID. You need one for multiple facets of life and if you can’t afford one they’re still obtainable. It may take effort but everyone is capable. It has nothing to do with race.
@Fogdog try reading this part again and seeing if it sticks:
“Or instead do you agree with my mindset in that this was an individual, capable of individual thoughts and reason, influenced by outside forces? His perception of right and wrong his own and he does not speak for “the left” or “black people” and we should simply acknowledge evil comes in all forms?
Is he an anarchist? A communist? A (fill in the blank?) Or is he just Darrel Brooks Jr? A loser who is responsible for his own actions?” -nuskool
right back at you boo boo
you made some shit up right there. I said it's too early but you kept on with the dogwhistle bullshit.Is it unusual 17 hours later, it’s already being dismissed as a byproduct of this individual fleeing the scene where he stabbed someone? I didn’t see any officers pursuing him besides the one on foot valiantly chasing after the vehicle through the crowd. Or while “fleeing” is it strange he fired into the crowd while running people over?
If more people would have used it in the past history would be very differentI still can’t believe you throw around the word nazi like that. It’s so fucking extreme
it really is time to stop coddling these men.If more people would have used it in the past history would be very different
Time has come to play hardball
Clutch your victim card precious
Interesting question raised by this.
What did people call Nazi's in 1930's that the people who voted for the Nazi's, felt was extreme to be called at the time?