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  1. Jay p123

    2018 Grow your own thread

    Lol there’s alwYs someone here. Sawzall lol
  2. Jay p123

    2018 Grow your own thread

    Lol 1. By that time these things are 3 cages deep so I can guarantee no one not even myself could pull the plants out of the ground. Yes you can snip buds or branches. Number 2 is a tip 2. I take my 2 week vacation time starting Oct 1. 3. My dogs will let me know if anything is moving in...
  3. Jay p123

    2018 Grow your own thread

    How about I have a license and I can call the police while the thief’s pick buds lol. It’s not about where I live it’s about how legal I am to do so. But I’ll protect my own plants with my bamboo whip lol. Have plenty holding the plant up.
  4. Jay p123

    2018 Grow your own thread

    True. Was thinking about breaking out the weed wacker but the other side of me says fuck it and let em grow. I’m pretty sure I’ll just let em grow. I am going to top them this week so maybe I’ll just take very nice big clones
  5. Jay p123

    2018 Grow your own thread

    When I put the second cage I’ll start pullin branches down and tie them up. Basically some LST. That should help the height for about a week each time I do it so that will add up to probably 4 weeks of stopping the growth. Idk lol.
  6. Jay p123

    2018 Grow your own thread

    I hear ya, and I thought about it , but I kinda need them to grow straight up because I do need to use some of the back yard lol. This will get interesting in terms of height this year. I definitely suppress/squash them every now an then with som trellis over top.
  7. Jay p123

    2018 Grow your own thread

    It’s like where’s Waldo with First cages. They disappeared Not to be seen till end of harvest. Don’t know what I’m going to do with the 1 plant on the right as it’s getting kinda tall, but I can assure you I’m not to worried about it. However my neighbors might have a different opinion but I...
  8. Jay p123

    2018 Grow your own thread

    Okay. I hope you find the problem before it’s too late. Your room looks pretty and soon it’s going to be sexy lol.
  9. Jay p123

    2018 Grow your own thread

    I don’t think the light changes the colour of roots but ok. Why isn’t the perlite brown in pics? Lol
  10. Jay p123

    2018 Grow your own thread

    Hmm lol. Looked pretty brown from pic but if ya say there white then there white. I see the white perlite which makes me wonder. My pic I provided shows you can’t barley tell the perlite is there. If you blow up my pic you can see my worm friends lol
  11. Jay p123

    2018 Grow your own thread

    Agreed and For those of us sick, it definitely brings back the quality of life.
  12. Jay p123

    2018 Grow your own thread

    Great job for First time around!
  13. Jay p123

    2018 Grow your own thread

    Here is a pic of plant about to be transplanted . Nice white root system.
  14. Jay p123

    2018 Grow your own thread

    Umm not an expert but I think the roots are brown form pic and they should be almost as white as the perlite. Maybe you have been over watering. Make sure light isn’t penatrating the soil and hitting roots. Just my opinion. I do grow monters though and it definitely just doesn’t happen on its own.
  15. Jay p123

    2018 Grow your own thread

    Okay fair enough!! Just messing with u about plant pics.
  16. Jay p123

    2018 Grow your own thread

    Do you have Any pics of your plants?
  17. Jay p123

    2018 Grow your own thread

    Lol what??? What you buy from store is always the same. What you put in it is the difference.
  18. Jay p123

    ACMPR - wait times

    My first registration was accepted March 1 2017 And they said to send in renewal registration 3 months prior to expire March 1 2018 I didn’t give a fuck and didn’t see my doc till May 1 and my renewal was recived by health Canada May 3 and I just recived my new paper work today June 13 . No...
  19. Jay p123

    2018 Grow your own thread

    Umm promix used properly works just fine lol. Obviously it’s something he added. Just saying.
  20. Jay p123

    2018 Grow your own thread

    Here we grow again lol. These things have taken to their new homes. Not even June 15 yet lol. Anyone ever veg outside during summer and bud indoors during winter? Well that’s what the small ones are for!