ACMPR - wait times

still not quite sure why people are telling the feds they are growing..:idea::idea::idea::idea::idea::idea::idea::idea::idea::idea::idea::idea::weed::weed::weed::weed::weed:
when they will be allowed to grow their own with out telling them... lol
whats a few more or less plants when yer sick and have your GP behind you?????........8)
tying yourself to a system that feels they should have control over your illness and the money you have to spend?!?!
PPHHHH that deal..:hump:

riddle me that one .................."oh I have to have a pink piece with my grows" cause this way its legal :idea::finger::hug:??
lol sure it is!!:idea::roll::dunce:
Well if you are a registered gun owner like me for restricted weapons you would know that my address is registered with the feds and that I am prone to inspection at any time by the RCMP to ensure my weapons are secured correctly. Look really good for them to come across my grow OP at the same time. And no I wouldn't consider owning my guns illegally. So, ya the man knows about my weed but at least for now it's legal and I am enjoying the hell out of being able to grow and not look over my shoulder.
Just to play devil's advocate, if you're truly sick and dying why would you wait 3 months for your forms while you die or rot away? Should you not be afforded a quality of life beyond suffering which isn't based on the speed at which government bureaucracy moves?(glacial, considering its a registration process, not approval.) Food for thought.

That's a different situation & personally If I was dying & needed to start growing I would apply but start a garden asap. In that specific case I would put my comfort first & trust the courts would support me (which they typically have). I doubt the prosecutors would even take that case to court though.

What most people have been saying in this thread (which gb123 doesn't grasp for whatever reason) is that they prefer waiting & working within the law because of concern about how being caught breaking it could effect those around them. Or simply not wanting the additional stress of that possibility & choosing to wait. There is no value in judging people who choose to put others needs ahead of their own & choose to wait (even if it is unreasonable long) in order to avoid legal consequences. By all means decide for yourself to do what you want but as soon as you start criticising others for their choices you're no better then a prohibitionist in my view. People need to decide how to live without others judging them or telling them what's "right"
Well if you are a registered gun owner like me for restricted weapons you would know that my address is registered with the feds and that I am prone to inspection at any time by the RCMP to ensure my weapons are secured correctly. Look really good for them to come across my grow OP at the same time. And no I wouldn't consider owning my guns illegally. So, ya the man knows about my weed but at least for now it's legal and I am enjoying the hell out of being able to grow and not look over my shoulder.
guns and pot?
Oh now theres a great comparison eh
Im registered ;)

People kill others with gun..
no one kills anyone with pot...well.... except LP's poisoning folks...(:
(which gb123 doesn't grasp for whatever reason)"
Oh I get it ..all to well actually..just tryin to teach the others here .Some want to lean and if I have to use you as that tool GREAT llol
Its you that need learnin and dont quite grasp the concept at hand.
Hearing from @GovCanHealth lawyers about the “Doctrine of Paramountcy” in relation to the ability of provinces to ban home cultivation. Sounds to me like they foresee legal challenges.…

12:00 PM - 7 Jun 2018

1 reply2 retweets2 likes

    1. KirkTousaw‏Verified account@KirkTousaw 5m5 minutes ago
      Replying to @trichomics @AnizAlani @GovCanHealth
      Doesn’t take a seer to predict that one! Also coming: arbitrariness and overbreadth of 4 plant and 30 gram limits. If you can possess and make unlimited amounts of deadly alcohol why can’t you possess 31 grams of safer cannabis or grow 7 plants?

      0 replies0 retweets1 like
That's a different situation & personally If I was dying & needed to start growing I would apply but start a garden asap. "
if yer really sick..theres no worry..
if you are growing for an illness that doesn't quite make the cut for an excuse to grow(with our laws)?(they all do in my mind) You wont get that part though lol

so why register to a system that will only chastise you (you are bad in their eyes after all ) :-P
yer yappin to people who have been at this now FOREVER and have been legal to grow for many years!:weed:
My first registration was accepted March 1 2017
And they said to send in renewal registration 3 months prior to expire March 1 2018
I didn’t give a fuck and didn’t see my doc till May 1 and my renewal was recived by health Canada May 3 and I just recived my new paper work today June 13 .
No issues from health Canada complaining about not registering in time. :bigjoint:
Fuck em, I’m on my on time.

Oh I get it ..all to well actually..just tryin to teach the others here .Some want to lean and if I have to use you as that tool GREAT llol
Its you that need learnin and dont quite grasp the concept at hand.

I don't know how many you're "teaching" with an ego that presumes to know what's best for others. You come across as paranoid & delusional, getting defensive & trying to deflect when people call you out on it. Whatever turns your crank but I'd rather not reinforce the stereotype of paranoid/delusional/conspiracy theorist pot head myself. A lot of other people are also saying they'd rather work within the laws, even if that means fighting the unjust parts, rather then be a rebel without a clue. Not everyone thinks the same & that's a good thing.
I don't know how many you're "teaching" with an ego that presumes to know what's best for others. You come across as paranoid & delusional, getting defensive & trying to deflect when people call you out on it. Whatever turns your crank but I'd rather not reinforce the stereotype of paranoid/delusional/conspiracy theorist pot head myself. A lot of other people are also saying they'd rather work within the laws, even if that means fighting the unjust parts, rather then be a rebel without a clue. Not everyone thinks the same & that's a good thing.
thats how I come across is it?

whether or not you understand where Im coming from is up for you to figure out

who's assuming here again?

there is no working with this new BS Law dude

wake up and smell the roses Mr..
thats how I come across is it?

whether or not you understand where Im coming from is up for you to figure out

who's assuming here again?

there is no working with this new BS Law dude

wake up and smell the roses Mr..

No, it's up to you to coherently explain & justify your opinion. You haven't & when people disagree you deflect the conversation by making comments like those above or accusing people of being "part of the system". Half the time I don't know what you're rambling about & I've generally given up trying.

I'm basing my assumptions on your comments & backing it up with how I got there. You haven't offered any justification for judging others & accusing them of being sheep for signing up with the ACMPR. That's your opinion & when people explained their reasons you dismissed them or missed the point. Prove me wrong & address the issue instead of deflecting to another topic. What gives you the right to judge others when you aren't listening to what they're saying?
should have been here over the last four years:idea:
lotsa reading
just pointing out that being part of this system is a waste of our/your/anyones time but you fail to understand why that is,,\

anyone will be allowed to grow!
what part did you miss?
and if they wanna grow one or 10 more..who cares..:idea:
no one is going to jail in cannada for saving their sorry ass from a debilitating illness.
Oh boy, here we go ;)

its FUNNER watching you try to figure it ..:lol:

yes I said FUNNER (:
if yer really sick..theres no worry..
if you are growing for an illness that doesn't quite make the cut for an excuse to grow(with our laws)?(they all do in my mind) You wont get that part though lol

so why register to a system that will only chastise you (you are bad in their eyes after all ) :-P
yer yappin to people who have been at this now FOREVER and have been legal to grow for many years!:weed:
I don't know how many you're "teaching" with an ego that presumes to know what's best for others. You come across as paranoid & delusional, getting defensive & trying to deflect when people call you out on it. Whatever turns your crank but I'd rather not reinforce the stereotype of paranoid/delusional/conspiracy theorist pot head myself. A lot of other people are also saying they'd rather work within the laws, even if that means fighting the unjust parts, rather then be a rebel without a clue. Not everyone thinks the same & that's a good thing.
ah you missed a post :idea:...left it out of your argument even :lol:
that's the other deal that will screw folks

car INS
Home INS
Any one who finds out you smoke pot will make you pay one way or another..its their way!
At one time it mattered as it was the ONLY WAY ...nearly 20 years now
now everyone can do it so

YER STILL BAD and well so is rec but any med person is a PAIN IN THE FEDS ASSHOLE lol if you follow that
We make their job harder because of our 7 to 0 win in the supreme court of cannada.
Do you have a spouse or kids? You repetition that "it doesn't matter" would seem to suggest otherwise. I've known lots of couples that experience stress because one grows & the other worries about getting caught. If you can't acknowledge that having a license alleviates that stress there's no point in talking to you. I understand what you're saying, I thought that way when I was young and single.

Sure anyone can grow 4 plants if the provinces allow it, at some point when the bill is passed. That wouldn't be enough for me & I'm not going to stress my fiancee out when I can simply get a license. I have no fear of my name being on a list. It's been on multiple police radars since I was a teen, those are your fears that have no relevance to me. I've already been to court to defend my med use & I'm not interested in going back. It's pointless to go through that stress when you don't need to.

Disagree all you want but that isn't a rational argument. If you listened you would understand why.
Do you have a spouse or kids?

Sure anyone can grow 4 plants if the provinces allow it, at some point when the bill is passed. That wouldn't be enough for me &
Disagree all you want but that isn't a rational argument. If you listened you would understand why.
if you had been here ..youd know more...

lol my way and the way it has gone for patients is what has kept me alive this long.
Id be dead if I listen to the first fool trying to make a buck off my demise.
So I try and help others see the true light,,
signing to a system(that will soon be equal for all) will see you tagged one way or another.
It is a bad deal..but .how would you know? you're new to this deal.
As I've said. We have been through the ringer and back and know well when people are getting fucked hard,
Take your pick. As you say..Its up to you. you do what you need to do..
Why try and convince me otherwise?
Recieved my paper yesterday. So how's this for quick. Sent the renewal in may 22nd. Assumed HC recieved it may 23rd. Paperwork was dated June 5th. Then of course the lag time for the snail to deliver it to my door. Putting aside all the arguments being tossed about concerning the man knowing your shit....Damn good IMO.