I seem to have an issue. So my largest plant so far nicknamed Charizard for now. Is showing brown spots on the bottom few leaves. And the tips of the top leaves are also showing the same tone of brown but the bottom leaves are speckled. Photos will be up in a couple minutes.
Please help tell...
I know its a risky method and I'm not saying to do it to every seed but with damaged seeds all of my seeds are sprouting with this method. Whereas for some reason my "healthy looking" seeds are only sprouting 2/3 of the time
So I'm curious I'm very new to growing and my germination rate with my bag seed has been quite low (around 60%). This is an issue I'm working on please neglect the insults.
In my bag seed however there are quite a few cracked seeds. Out of curiosity I removed the hearts from any cracked seeds...
I would definitely say it's more of a cool blue feel to the LED? And as for the sun I feel like I'm the fall it is somewhat filtered by atmosphere as the earth tilts and creates a more naturally ruddish lighting not massively so but enough that it could be said to be noticeable. The amount of...
Just an update on lighting.
So right now as far as known output I have a t8 ballast with 2 32 watt bulbs at 6000 kelvins each. I am also running a 40 Watt LED floodlight putting out white light.
I am well aware that one t8 ballast is generally considered not enough to grow even the smallest of...
I have a question now based on gender.
So my 3 main plants are now getting to the point where I think it is possible to start identifying gender.
I do not see any signs on two of the smaller plants. But on the biggest "Charizard" I have noticed what I believe to be the start of Pre-Flowers I...
Thanks a lot for the advice on the ph I'm gonna run out get some strips and use some organic vinager to drop the ph.
I do know that during the flowering stage an HPS or a grow light specifically designed for growing would be preferable. At this point I am at a budget and am planning on...
Starting my first grow would love advice.
Before starting I did lots of research to try and prepare to grow well in a climate where the humidity would most likely be sitting around 25% outside.
That in consideration I had to make a setup that would allow for humidity to build much higher than...