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  1. mixchemical

    3x Autos, first time grower journal.

    Thank you! :) I was a bit too hasty when I said that they responded very fast. Well they did, towards the light but to my eyes, they haven't grown a lot during the whole day. Perhaps this is to them getting used to the intensity or something else. I'll see tomorrow if they've grown anything...
  2. mixchemical

    3x Autos, first time grower journal.

    So! After a long quiet session, it's time for an update! I've received my LED light from platinumLED and my it's heavy, feels durable and well, my plants responded very fast and with the leaves pointed towards the light! Need to give it a few days/a week to see how it performs. One thing I can...
  3. mixchemical

    3x Autos, first time grower journal.

    Just a quick notice today. The tent smells distinctly of weed now. And it's only been well, about 1 week since they broke the soil or something. I can't imagine how it's going to smell when they flower :D
  4. mixchemical

    US mother accidentally shot dead by two-year-old son

    Nice now tell me how it's a problem in the rest of the world.
  5. mixchemical

    US mother accidentally shot dead by two-year-old son

    Tell me more how people in the USA needs guns to protect themselves. Yes, I know i'm gonna get hated on for this.
  6. mixchemical

    300w LED-Grow

    Hey! :) I'm not running LED but HPS and what I did with my first grow (still going...) is that i germinated them, then put it under my hps light with it being quite a bit further away than normal. I didn't have any issues what so ever with this method. Mind you, I'm running a 400W hps bulb atm.
  7. mixchemical

    IF you are new to LED and want help choosing what to buy, POST HERE!

    When I get the light next week, i'll post some pics with my HPS still in place - we'll see who's right ;) But, wont the P4-XML2 outperform the 400W hps either way? When it comes to spectrum, PAR etc? From what i've read, it equates to a 600W hps when it comes to light. Another question, how...
  8. mixchemical

    IF you are new to LED and want help choosing what to buy, POST HERE!

    Sure but I think you might've missed that i'm running a 3x3 tent, not a 4x4 :) So i'm running 90x90cm which is quite a bit far off from 120x120 :) But yeah, been thinking if you should run veg and flower led's at the same time throughout the grow cycle. Haven't seen much discussion about it.
  9. mixchemical

    IF you are new to LED and want help choosing what to buy, POST HERE!

    Ah you meant like that, well, I don't really see how i'm going to place a 400W hps (in a cool tube) with the LED light in the same space....Would be nice but I can't really see it happening in that tent.
  10. mixchemical

    IF you are new to LED and want help choosing what to buy, POST HERE!

    But since the tent isn't that large, you mean I will have to switch out the lights when flowering? From what i've read it has dual spectrum (blue+red) so won't it just be overkill using 2 lights?
  11. mixchemical

    IF you are new to LED and want help choosing what to buy, POST HERE!

    Damn....just saw this thread now even though I yesterday bought PlatinumLED P4-XML2 light. Anybody with experience from that light? Going to use it in a 3x3 grow tent and max 4 plants per grow!
  12. mixchemical

    Platinum LED lighting questions

    Yeah, after I posted this thread I did some reading and finally order a P4-XML2 for my 90x90 (3'x3') tent after consulting with platinumled. My hopes are quite high to be honest, hopefully this will take my grow to the next level in terms of my heating issues with the 400W hps 'm running now...
  13. mixchemical

    3x Autos, first time grower journal.

    Update! :) Been a while now, the plants are growing, two of them seem to be thriving and one of them, being planted in soil just 2 days ago probably needs time to root out properly to get the nutrients it needs to grow. I'll post pictures when I get a chance, when the light is turning off...
  14. mixchemical

    Platinum LED lighting questions

    Hey all, A question to people who run these LED lights, how are the fans operating? I'm wondering about the noise, also, how much heat do they produce? Mainly for the 280W version. I'm currently running a 400W HPS/MH and it produces quite a lot of heat. Been thinking of switching it out due to...
  15. mixchemical

    Why do you newbs always grow auto's?

    I'll just put my .2 in here. I bought them since they were cheaper (where I ordered from) than fem. photo variants. That said, I also liked that I could focus more on getting the temperature in check, lighting and everything else on a seed that had more of a "survival" gene pool. Sure, the yield...
  16. mixchemical

    Why wouldn't you grow? Illegal were you live?

    Why wouldn't you grow? Illegal were you live?
  17. mixchemical

    3x Autos, first time grower journal.

    Seems like it was the temperature that was a closed a window and the temp is now up too about 25.5C - 26C and the leaves are pointing towards the light! Hm, oh well - changes are good!
  18. mixchemical

    Quick vent question

    From everything i've heard, fans are most effective when pulling air, not pushing it. I have it setup as the last part of my ventilation, ie, at the exhaust port. I would use a bit of duct if it wont fit, not use in trying to bend metal to make it fit since that will probably make it more prone...
  19. mixchemical

    3x Autos, first time grower journal.

    Yesterday I planted the two seedling that had their taproot out through the rockwool. One seems to have settled down quite nicely, shown groth and it's second pair of true leaves are forming! The other seedling isn't however, even though it's taproot was larger. It's leaves are hanging down and...