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  1. mixchemical

    How much in your area?

    Oh boy do I agree with you, however, come to Sweden and say that, you'll be banned for life by all the feminazis here :p along with everybody else that things weed is the worst drug in the history of mankind.
  2. mixchemical

    What is wrong with this blooming plant?

    Sorry, will try to explain better. A couple of weeks ago, I tried upping the ppm's to around 600. The result was an almost free fall of the pH value which forced me to put in pH up quite often to "combat" this. The situation i'm in now, however, is that the pH is falling, steadily, while the...
  3. mixchemical

    How much in your area?

    Sweden, I would say per gram (0,03 ounces) anywhere from 55 usd to 90 usd is quite common. The quality is okay, but nothing near that would justify the prices.
  4. mixchemical

    What is wrong with this blooming plant?

    Thanks for the video tip, will watch it later. Yep, pretty sure. Had the ppm at around 600 a couple of weeks ago and the pH would plummet so bad I had to dosage pH very often, tips of leaves would turn brown and further on, the edges and basically turn into crisp paper. I've always ran my grows...
  5. mixchemical

    What is wrong with this blooming plant?

    Yes, running same equipment, nutes, buckets etc. All that's different is the strain, which could be a huge difference in itself anyways. But guess you're right. The info I got from our local info center regarding water is this: pH ~8.0, alkalinity 60 mg HCO3/l. Not from the US but I dont think...
  6. mixchemical

    What is wrong with this blooming plant?

    Isnt pH and ppm connected? If one drops, the other must rise? But yes, in a perfect dosage the pH and ppm should cancel each other out when absorbed at the same rate. Oh, as high as I can make it. This whole grow was a mess from the start but i Would guess about 10 inches or so. No signs of...
  7. mixchemical

    What is wrong with this blooming plant?

    Well, it's not swinging as in going up or down. The ppm is going up and pH is going down. From what I find logical, that means the total amount of water is going down and the nutes are not being taken by the plants in the same rate, making the pH lower. Also, about ppm. I've heard a lot of...
  8. mixchemical

    What is wrong with this blooming plant?

    Yep - almost all white, not brown/black etc. The discoloration is probably due to the micro nutes being a dark sludge. Was I supposed to see anything else?
  9. mixchemical

    What is wrong with this blooming plant?

    Hey all, Having some issues with my current grow. Running a DWC system with 13 gall. buckets, light is on 12h and off 12h. 380W LED is the sun. Using GHE nutes (micro, gro and bloom) and keeping the pH as stable as I can at around 5.8 The ppm was 460 (both buckets) but that seemed to be too...
  10. mixchemical

    Yellowing of leaves I cant seem to fix

    Dont know exactly were the water is from but my guess is from a well undergroud. I've grown with the same water before and had no issues, except for a (what i diagnosed last time) cal/mag def. but since I didn't add any at all last grow, I dont blaim it from showing, I realised that when I...
  11. mixchemical

    Yellowing of leaves I cant seem to fix

    Yes, checking on them twice a day, keeping the pH at 5.80 but letting it fluctuate a little bit up or down. (6.0 max and 5.6min) I emptied out a total of 50L between two changes which i wrote in an earlier post but nothing changed. PPM is now at 270 ish and dropping on the one that is the worst...
  12. mixchemical

    Yellowing of leaves I cant seem to fix

    Seems like the bigger one of the two has stopped its yellowing. It never really started but still. The other one however seems to get worse. Now it has a few brown spots on it and the yellowing has not stopped from what i can see. Does anybody have a clue? Ive heard calmag lockout potassium...
  13. mixchemical

    Yellowing of leaves I cant seem to fix

    Dumping out 25L didnt seem to help and the yellowing continues. Will dump out another 25L today and see. Seems that 1ml/liter of cal/mag per liter of water was too much. Perhaps 25% strength is the way to go with cal/mag? The flora series has a little bit of cal/mag in them but not much.
  14. mixchemical

    Yellowing of leaves I cant seem to fix

    I compromised and emptied out about 25L of water and added new in and just pH:ed it down to 5.8. The ppm sits at around 480 now. I'm guessing that this yellowing is permanent on the leaves and it will be a bit hard to spot if this has solved the issue?
  15. mixchemical

    Yellowing of leaves I cant seem to fix

    I've been adding water to keep it level and nothing has changed for the better.
  16. mixchemical

    Yellowing of leaves I cant seem to fix

    Really? My wife is running a different strain but she also put in the same amount of cal/mag supplement, 25 ml) and they have not shown any signs of this. Either way, the bottle says 1.5ml per liter of water, I put in 1ml/liter which gave me a total of 25ml for the total of 50 liters in the...
  17. mixchemical

    Yellowing of leaves I cant seem to fix

    Hey all, Having a bit of issues with my grow and almost ready to give up on this one. They are both about 5 weeks in (still in grow, not shifted them yet but will probably do so this weekend). The leaves (as in the pic) are yellowing from the outside and in, tips pointed down and growing...
  18. mixchemical

    First timer cooking cannabutter (fresh frozen trim)

    Haha yeah, remelted it just so it looks and seperates better in a container but made a few pieces of toast for breakfast with some of the cannabutter on and wow, hits like a train about 1.5 hours later.
  19. mixchemical

    First timer cooking cannabutter (fresh frozen trim)

    Just woke up and the butter has solidified. When straining yesterday it had a brownish color when it was mixed with the water. Noticed during the last few hours of the cook, the water was evaporating which I think was the cause of the temperature rising to a maximum of 85C (185F) but I hope...
  20. mixchemical

    First timer cooking cannabutter (fresh frozen trim)

    Ah well, I put about 50 grams (1.8oz) of trim in the oven at 115C (239F) for 1 hour, let it cool in the oven with the door closed. Then put 500g (1,1lb) of butter chopped into cubes into a big pot, put the decarbed trim over it and put enough water to get the cannabis soaked. Then I put the...