Yellowing of leaves I cant seem to fix


Active Member
Hey all,

Having a bit of issues with my grow and almost ready to give up on this one.

They are both about 5 weeks in (still in grow, not shifted them yet but will probably do so this weekend).

The leaves (as in the pic) are yellowing from the outside and in, tips pointed down and growing seems to have halted (didnt see any major difference in size after being away for 3 days).

Running GHE flora trio nutes (micro, gro and bloom) along with their cal/mg supplement. I'm measuring about 650 ppm right now and a pH of about 5.8 which i've kept quite stable this entire grow.

I thought the lights might be too close (had it about 20cm from the top of the canopy) so I moved the light up and now it's at about 40cm from the canopy. I'm running a 380W LED light (from platinumLED).

I've kept the RH at 60% and a temperature of about 26C during lights on and 23-24C during lights off. Running a 18/6 schedual right now.

My res is at 50 liters and i've put in 25ml of mg/cal supplement, 50ml of micro/grow/bloom which gave me a ppm of ~650ppm. The water temp sits at about 21-22C during lights on and i've not taken a measurement during lights off since colder = better in any case (yes I know there's a limit to that too).

I'm really struggling to understand what is wrong, the yellowing just seems to continue and I don't just want to throw more nutes at it with it having not effect and potentially introducing nute burn into the situation.

Any help will be greatly appreciated.


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locked out, too much calmag suspected, fresh water and nutrients mixed according to the bottle directions and half strength

Really? My wife is running a different strain but she also put in the same amount of cal/mag supplement, 25 ml) and they have not shown any signs of this. Either way, the bottle says 1.5ml per liter of water, I put in 1ml/liter which gave me a total of 25ml for the total of 50 liters in the bucket. Which puts me at about 75% strength, you think that 25% more would have this effect on the plants when they are this big?

Also, checking a deficiency chart, the mg/cal excess doesn't seem to fit in quite well with the symptoms my plants are showing.

Don't want to sound ungreatful but just trying to be as close to 100% sure before emptying 100L of water...
Really? My wife is running a different strain but she also put in the same amount of cal/mag supplement, 25 ml) and they have not shown any signs of this. Either way, the bottle says 1.5ml per liter of water, I put in 1ml/liter which gave me a total of 25ml for the total of 50 liters in the bucket. Which puts me at about 75% strength, you think that 25% more would have this effect on the plants when they are this big?

Also, checking a deficiency chart, the mg/cal excess doesn't seem to fit in quite well with the symptoms my plants are showing.

Don't want to sound ungreatful but just trying to be as close to 100% sure before emptying 100L of water...
Why not Just add more water if you want to dilute the strength?
its just that every time I've ever had an issue/deficiency it wasnt because I needed to add another item, on the contrary I always needed to stop adding something. do you know the content of calcium or magnesium in your water supply? Only time I had an issue in hydro or soil is when I used cal/mag as directed js. pics make symptoms easier to see
best to never switch to flower until healthy imo. good luck
its just that every time I've ever had an issue/deficiency it wasnt because I needed to add another item, on the contrary I always needed to stop adding something. do you know the content of calcium or magnesium in your water supply? Only time I had an issue in hydro or soil is when I used cal/mag as directed js. pics make symptoms easier to see
best to never switch to flower until healthy imo. good luck

I compromised and emptied out about 25L of water and added new in and just pH:ed it down to 5.8. The ppm sits at around 480 now.

I'm guessing that this yellowing is permanent on the leaves and it will be a bit hard to spot if this has solved the issue?
Dumping out 25L didnt seem to help and the yellowing continues. Will dump out another 25L today and see. Seems that 1ml/liter of cal/mag per liter of water was too much. Perhaps 25% strength is the way to go with cal/mag? The flora series has a little bit of cal/mag in them but not much.
Seems like the bigger one of the two has stopped its yellowing. It never really started but still.

The other one however seems to get worse. Now it has a few brown spots on it and the yellowing has not stopped from what i can see.

Does anybody have a clue? Ive heard calmag lockout potassium deficiency among others.

Need help, dont want to throw a 4-5 week plant away.... And cant wait to long to put it into flower.
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Are you monitoring your pH in your reservoir every day? Are you sure it's remaining stable throughout the life of your feed? Have you looked at your plant's roots? Do they appear nice and bright white? What are you using for your water source? Just an observation, but if you're adding 25ml of CalMag and 50ml of Grow/Bloom/Micro, 1/3 (33%) of your feed is comprised of CalMag....seems a bit high to me, and could be the cause of your lockout. You may also want to check your 'micro' and be sure it contains all the necessary nutrients.
Yes, checking on them twice a day, keeping the pH at 5.80 but letting it fluctuate a little bit up or down. (6.0 max and 5.6min)

I emptied out a total of 50L between two changes which i wrote in an earlier post but nothing changed. PPM is now at 270 ish and dropping on the one that is the worst looking and not showing any signs of improvement.

Roots are a solid white ob both but with a tiny brown tint which ive had every grow with the ghe Micro nutes probably being the cause.

Im only using ghe nutes which I doubt is the issue.

Dont really know where to go from here

Any advice is appreciated.
where do you get the water? city water can have things in it you don't want in your plants.
have you grown with the same water and not had any problems?
i agree it is more often something you are adding, not what you take away that causes problems. john
where do you get the water? city water can have things in it you don't want in your plants.
have you grown with the same water and not had any problems?
i agree it is more often something you are adding, not what you take away that causes problems. john

Dont know exactly were the water is from but my guess is from a well undergroud. I've grown with the same water before and had no issues, except for a (what i diagnosed last time) cal/mag def. but since I didn't add any at all last grow, I dont blaim it from showing,

I believe what you're seeing is a magnesium issue caused by excess calcium

I realised that when I dumped out 25% 1 time and 25% the other time I just diluted the concentration and never really adressed it at all. The ration between the nutes should've also stayed the same and perhaps that's why I never saw any improvement.

Changed out all the water yesterday and to my eyes I saw a noticable improvement with the leaves being straight and pointing out instead of down and droopy. I'm guessing the yellowing on the leaves is not going away so I'll just have to check that it doesn't continue with the newer leaves that are growing, or ,continue on existing ones.