Active Member
Hey all,
Having a bit of issues with my grow and almost ready to give up on this one.
They are both about 5 weeks in (still in grow, not shifted them yet but will probably do so this weekend).
The leaves (as in the pic) are yellowing from the outside and in, tips pointed down and growing seems to have halted (didnt see any major difference in size after being away for 3 days).
Running GHE flora trio nutes (micro, gro and bloom) along with their cal/mg supplement. I'm measuring about 650 ppm right now and a pH of about 5.8 which i've kept quite stable this entire grow.
I thought the lights might be too close (had it about 20cm from the top of the canopy) so I moved the light up and now it's at about 40cm from the canopy. I'm running a 380W LED light (from platinumLED).
I've kept the RH at 60% and a temperature of about 26C during lights on and 23-24C during lights off. Running a 18/6 schedual right now.
My res is at 50 liters and i've put in 25ml of mg/cal supplement, 50ml of micro/grow/bloom which gave me a ppm of ~650ppm. The water temp sits at about 21-22C during lights on and i've not taken a measurement during lights off since colder = better in any case (yes I know there's a limit to that too).
I'm really struggling to understand what is wrong, the yellowing just seems to continue and I don't just want to throw more nutes at it with it having not effect and potentially introducing nute burn into the situation.
Any help will be greatly appreciated.

Having a bit of issues with my grow and almost ready to give up on this one.
They are both about 5 weeks in (still in grow, not shifted them yet but will probably do so this weekend).
The leaves (as in the pic) are yellowing from the outside and in, tips pointed down and growing seems to have halted (didnt see any major difference in size after being away for 3 days).
Running GHE flora trio nutes (micro, gro and bloom) along with their cal/mg supplement. I'm measuring about 650 ppm right now and a pH of about 5.8 which i've kept quite stable this entire grow.
I thought the lights might be too close (had it about 20cm from the top of the canopy) so I moved the light up and now it's at about 40cm from the canopy. I'm running a 380W LED light (from platinumLED).
I've kept the RH at 60% and a temperature of about 26C during lights on and 23-24C during lights off. Running a 18/6 schedual right now.
My res is at 50 liters and i've put in 25ml of mg/cal supplement, 50ml of micro/grow/bloom which gave me a ppm of ~650ppm. The water temp sits at about 21-22C during lights on and i've not taken a measurement during lights off since colder = better in any case (yes I know there's a limit to that too).
I'm really struggling to understand what is wrong, the yellowing just seems to continue and I don't just want to throw more nutes at it with it having not effect and potentially introducing nute burn into the situation.
Any help will be greatly appreciated.