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  1. HeaveyKush

    Kids Not Holding Your Smoke In

    holding it in actually does get you 'higher' i've been doing some studying and researching at the Library just up the block from me... along with my own personal tests and my doctors opinion. the smoke carry's the THC. THC is the main component that gets you high. if you take in more smoke...
  2. HeaveyKush

    Best way to break weed down without a grinder?

    well i have no grinder, and i just spent the last of my money on an O, and i won't be getting any money any time soon. but all this stuff i got is really nice thick dense buds. i've always broken it down by hand, but that is starting to get old and really annoying and a hassle (especially...
  3. HeaveyKush

    Old School Hot Knives!

    or you could just use the knifes to light the bud in a bowl... lol
  4. HeaveyKush

    Rolling Problems

    now that's what i call a top-notch fatty.... really nice :D
  5. HeaveyKush

    Ratio Of Eating Bud To Get High?

    how much bud would you have to eat to get the same amount of high as say, a joint? would you have to eat like an O to get high? or could you just eat a little? also i've heard that the high is way different. a lot of people say that eating it gives you more of a body high.
  6. HeaveyKush

    Rolling Problems

    i tried blunts before but they have a weird taste and after-taste to me, but the smoke seems more thick with blunts than joints though i did notice that. i don't mind them, it's just a lot of times i don't have enough weed to fill a blunt which is one reason why i like papers better lol but...
  7. HeaveyKush

    Just tried some apollo 13.....

    and it was some killer, DANK bud... i was really buzzed just off of one little hit from a tiny nug. it burns rather nicely too, very slow and steady. it also seemed to produce more smoke than any other bud that i've smoked. the taste is perfect too... reminds me of the stuff that i used to get...
  8. HeaveyKush

    Medical marijuana skin cream?

    i don't know of any links, but you could try googling it. lol
  9. HeaveyKush

    Conserving With A "Lung"

    if i'm trying to conserve i just make a bong out of a 2-liter, straw and tinfoil... but nice guide, i'll try it tonight
  10. HeaveyKush

    Rolling Problems

    lol i've gotten better than i used to be because i've rolled more joints. i'm starting to get the hang of it, the more i roll the better i'll get :D and don't worry lol no need to start an argument ;p everyones tips and advice was really helpful
  11. HeaveyKush

    Kids Not Holding Your Smoke In

    personally i hold it in for about 15-20 seconds and then blow it out, the head-rush that i get makes me way more high
  12. HeaveyKush

    Rolling Problems

    yeah i'll hopefully be getting 3 packs of zig-zag kings along with an ounce, i'll definitely be practicing lol
  13. HeaveyKush

    Rolling Problems

    after trying a couple times and failing with my hands, i just did the dollar bill trick and it worked :) needless to say... i'm full of some medicine :D
  14. HeaveyKush

    Best place to smoke?

    please delete thread
  15. HeaveyKush

    Rolling Problems

    i haven't tried any of these tips yet because i have to wait for my little cousins to leave, but once they are gone i'm going to try them and hopefully it works :D i'll be sure to post back here with the results
  16. HeaveyKush

    Rolling Problems

    i watched that wiz khalifa video a long time ago, and many since and it still hasn't helped me lol it's hard to pack the weed, because if i pack it or roll it too much, it falls out or it deforms the paper and/or the weed. and i can't for the life of me get it to tuck, even with nails i can't...
  17. HeaveyKush

    Rolling Problems

    Well whenever I try to roll a joint, there's always a problem... it's either my hands aren't steady enough, or i'm already too high. (:D) every time i roll one, either half of it falls out of the ends and it's skinnier than a twig. or the paper just slides, it doesn't roll. so when im trying to...
  18. HeaveyKush


    it seems almost every time i smoke i get paranoid. when i first started and i wasn't supposed to be, i would swear up and down that i heard my parents banging at my door, or yelling downstairs. or there were other times where i thought i heard them physically fighting and slamming doors, or my...
  19. HeaveyKush

    Typical "Nickel" Bag Of Weed?

    i think that he's just planning on rolling just one joint out of it. and no i have none of my latest harvest left =[ i'm currently waiting for the next to come in.
  20. HeaveyKush

    Typical "Nickel" Bag Of Weed?

    this particular dealer is just normal average joe weed, nothing special, and i'm not really sure how dense the buds are >_<