Conserving With A "Lung"


Obviously there's the route of buying a vaporizer which is the most efficient way of smoking. but for those who cant afford one and are tired of going through 1/2 O a week on J's and bongs give this a try. Its a variation of a gravity bong without water and is cheap/easy to make. I call it a "LUNG".

Materials: 2 Liter bottle
Bread Bag / narrow bag (I use a bag that news papers come in)
Bong Slide/Foil

Simply cut the bottom off the 2 liter. (preferably after the liquid is removed). fit the empty bread bag inside of it and fit it to the proper length. (the bag should be sucked up all the way to the mouthpiece inside of the 2liter). tape the bag to the bottom of the 2 liter making it just a huge "lung" with the mouth piece the only place air can escape. Then take your 2 liter cap and either melt a hole in the middle for your slide to fit in or cover the top with foil with holes in it.

you only need to use about .1-.2 per hit. simply put your nuggz in. light them. draw the bag down out of the 2 liter. when its full/the nuggz are cooked remove the cap, and rip your lungz out.

no smoke loss, no nuggz cherrying and burning when ur not inhaling, the smoke cools plenty while in the bag. and most of all COSTS < $3!

oh, and it gets you pretty fucking high. just like a grav bong would
if you cant figure out how to use it by urself . sit down, sit the bottle between your knees, then use 1 hand to pull bag and 1 to light. (its really hard if you try to do it by yourself cant figure out how to hold, pull and light)
This brings back terrible memories hah, I must have coughed for hours after doing this. Of course if your only using .1 or .2 it probably wouldn't be as bad but we used to do normal sized bowls of probably .4-.6 .
Sounds like some poor as stoner trying to convince me to smoke out of some stupid ass shit he made.
No offence, but i'd rather hold my hits in then taste plastic and shit instead of high grade medicine.
dont respond if it doesnt affect you, just putting it out there because ive seen plenty of threads about ppl burning through their stash to quick, this is how i conserve. im not trying to convince anyone just sharing some of my experience. and i sure hope you dont bother holding your hits in because it doesnt get you any higher, simply deprives your body from oxygen for those extra couple seconds.

ps. you taste as much plastic as you would burning into a volcano vape
if i'm trying to conserve i just make a bong out of a 2-liter, straw and tinfoil... but nice guide, i'll try it tonight
smoking out of homemade pipes and bongs = fail. the taste of the burning foil makes me wanna throw up every time i take a hit seriously. this is a thread that belongs on 4chan along with all the other worthless crap..
Personally, I've always had an abundance of old bowls sitting around, so I skip the tinfoil step. I am long past the days of lungs, but I remember making one out of an old dehumidifier bag (you know, the one they put them in inside the box?) and a Culligan container (18.9L of water, I believe).

Long story short: don't do it. You'll burn 2 grams in a bowl and no one will be able to speak because they're far too high hahaha
I like the pisser method, or reverse gravity, same principle but you just cut a hole in the bottle and let water out slowly, this gives you tremendous control over the smoke density, then you can either huff it like a knifer or sip on it like a volcano vap... as for all you haters, im sorry you have no creativity or any drive to improve upon things at all maybe if you where actually smoking dank you might come up with some shit like this.
if you dont like the taste of foil then dont use foil. many like prefontaine said, keep extra slides around. you could also take off a TV cable fitting and use it . (tiny hole right in the middle). packs about .2-.3. and yes, if you burned 2-3 grams through it you wouldnt be able to talk rofl. thats why i suggested this way to help CONSERVE by using barely any nugg. you still get high.
smoking out of homemade pipes and bongs = fail. the taste of the burning foil makes me wanna throw up every time i take a hit seriously. this is a thread that belongs on 4chan along with all the other worthless crap..

wow dude if u dont like it leave and keep those negative coments 2 urself personly i like glass only but im open 2 new ways. P.S dude at one point all smoking utensiles were homemade so suck it