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    overdrive by advanced nutrients

    thats cool man thanks. i went with my gut and i used it yesterday on a couple of my flowering plants. im pretty sure its non-organic. i really hope it gives the plants an extra boost. peace.
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    I have a few ?'s about 12/12 from seed

    mine are normally 6 inches when they show sex but i usually grow 50/50 indica/sativa. with more sativa they probably would grow differently/taller. peace.
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    warm white and cool white cfls. two cool white bulb to every four warm white bulbs. the mixed spectrum works nicely. use at the very, very least 100 actual watts of cfls. the more watts the better if you can keep the temp down. peace.
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    My First Time With Indoor (Be Gentile)

    thats really nice man, keep up the good work. peace.
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    overdrive by advanced nutrients

    bump... anyone??
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    overdrive by advanced nutrients

    does anyone know if i can use overdrive 1-3-4 made by advanced nutrients on my synthetic soil grown plants in the last few weeks of flower?? it doesnt say its organic so im thinking its not. does anyone know if it would do anything? any advice would help. i have a couple of fems left in pro-mix...
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    Indoor "loft" grow. Keeping temps up?

    mylar helps keep the heat in somewhat. heating pads do work well for keeping roots warm. the hps is the only way to go when it comes to keeping the heat up. i normally close the heat vent to my room in the winter and just use the hps to heat up my room like a personal heater. the furnace heats...
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    Tell me its enough!!!!

    the 400 should produce you some nice bud. what kind of medium are you using? hope for 3 nice fems. LST "low stress training" might do you some justice when it comes to your yeild. if you do use LST make sure its done while your plants are in veg. you'll have some nice bushes if done correctly...
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    need tips to hot! 400watts

    that exhaust fan that you posted, 4 or 6 in is gonna put off a nice amount of noise. i know cuz i have one. ive been thinking about building a muffler for my 6 in to take down some of that noise, but i can tell you they do well for getting that hot air out of your space. peace.
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    First Indoor Grow- Update

    very nice plants!! pretty cool grow bags also, ive been thinking of using something to that sort for a while now. good luck to you bro. peace.
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    pro-mix ultimate organic (the green bag)

    no i didnt add any perlite or anything else to the mix but it does seem to be getting good drainage. it does have some kind of watering agent in it that almost acts as water crystals. i think ive figured out the problem. the mix says it has seaweed compost but i belive it only feeds for a few...
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    pro-mix ultimate organic (the green bag)

    bump.... anyone??
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    RAPE (Forcing sex)

    i have some right now on 12/12 from seed and they took about 3 weeks to show sex. basicaly any time you want them to show just put them under 12/12. the more mature the plants are the faster they will show sex. peace.
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    pro-mix ultimate organic (the green bag)

    anybody?? just need a little advice on the medium.
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    pro-mix ultimate organic (the green bag)

    i dont have any pics at the moment, my cam's cord to upload pics is damaged. im running with this pro-mix ultimate organic (the green bag) at the moment. i watered it like i would with any other medium and it seems like they are always over watered, therefore they seem to be growing slower. ive...
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    RAPE (Forcing sex)

    thats a funny way to put it, forced flowering, rape. very smooth. widow and mango sounds like its gonna be some killer. peace.
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    Please help me decide what strains to get!

    first grow?? bagseed all the way. dont use the money on genetics. if something goes wrong with your grow and everything dies your gonna be pissed!! take it from experience use the money on a carbon scrubber or filter. you gotta crawl before you walk man. ive been there and done that many, many...
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    TGA's Pandoras Box

    they look beautiful man. my next grow will be astro queen from tga. it'll be my first purchase from tga. they look very healthy, nice going. how was the germ rate with those seeds? how was the female to male ratio? what kind of medium are you using? what kind of lighting did you use?
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    I have a few ?'s about 12/12 from seed

    im running 12/12 from seed at the moment in ultimate pro-mix organic under a 600w hps. depending on my strain i will usually pull about 1/2 to 1 ounce off each without co2 and they will get anywhere from 1 foot to 1 1/2 feet depending on if im growing indica or sativa. mine will normally finish...
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    soil vs soiless mix

    im starting to like my ultimate pro-mix organic. technically its soil less. peat moss, perlite, lime, mycrouise, bio growth enhancer, sea based compost. it seems to be pretty good.