need tips to hot! 400watts

thinking about flowering them in a week, think i should top them? so i get two big nugs instead of one?
i was thinking about doing that plastic screen method. any details i should know? ive only seen pictures, or is it to much to try for a first timer?
If i could give you any advice on topping it would be to let the plant veg for at least a couple more weeks to let the growth get back to normal before flowering. When you "snip the tip" it will pretty much stall the growth of your plants, you want both your colas to develop some nodes before you flower so you end up with 2 quarter ouncers, instead of 2 1 grammers.
It seems like you have enough height in your closet to let them grow a little longer
I can tell you this as from experience. I grew too many little tiny colas before i realized topping earlier ( if at all, im still on the fence on whether topping your plants is worth the extra time for a small increase in yield, maybe this time is better spent healthly growing the plant?) is better idea. That way you grow two main shoots which will have shoots come off of them, and fatter colas. also that way they're much more stable than top heavy late splits.
In my humble opinion, i would say for a first time grower, dont worry about topping this round. Some plants are really finicky and just dont take well to trimming, it would be a shame to wreck your cherry grow if something were to go awry. If i were you i would veg them another month or so and put em into 12\12 without any butchery. Get this one under your belt and then once you're comfortable with the whole process of growing try all sorts of things until you find what works best for you. Of course its your choice, but i say keep it simple, at least until you have your feet a bit wetter.
I look forward to seeing this grow progress, just remember, theres lots of people on the internet (im one of them) who like to go around and spread their opinions as facts, take everything with a grain of salt and use common sense, and be patient. The ganja gods will reward you.
Good luck and happy growing!!!
thanks ill just pass on the topping idea this time around.

im using botanicare pure blend pro, and i was wondering how often i should feed them the blend? i was thinking every othere watering, which would be every 6 days. that good or to much?
well the room temp stays around 85-87 during the day time and 74-77 at night still havent put in the 6in exhauste fan but ima get to that today.

here are some pics, i moved them around and lowerd the light about 12 inchs away from the plants.


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if i were you i would buy a humidifier, this well help lower temps because it is providing the area with a cool damp air. Get one that doesn't produce white residue and hook it up to a timer, have it on for 30 minutes every two hours

this will also help the plants get more water, if you want you can add a bit of h202 to the humidifier which will also help the plants get more air, dont have it too humid or the pore of the plant will close (sorry forgot the name of the pore so don't hound me for that)
Lets get back to those temps,most stains dont like temps that high,and I would never go above 50% humidity in flower this can cause mold.Ive been at this around 4 years,Ive made 3 cabs in that time.When your making a cab you want negitive pressure,my c-22 cab you had to pull hard on the doors to open them.To get neg pressure your intake needs to be 1 1/2 the size of your exhast.So when i built my c-22 i put in a 4'' vortex inline fan for exhast and drilled 3-2'' holes for intake,this is the way its suppose to be.If you would like to try this just put the 6'' fan in the exhast,take out the 4'' intake,cover hole with a filter and makeone more 4'' hole for intake(cover with filter).Lastly these duct fans you are using are very weak try and get a 4'' inline fan then you can also scub the air.Good Luck & Stay Safe!!PS IM sorry if i affended anyone Just My opinion.
well today im puttin in my scrog net, 6inch exhaust, 300 watt cfl ( for the smaller plants), carbon filter, and monday ill be changing the MH for a HPS and turnin on to 12/12 hope everything gose well my plants are from 14inches to 20 so i figured its time. ill post pics tonight or tomorrow.
that exhaust fan that you posted, 4 or 6 in is gonna put off a nice amount of noise. i know cuz i have one. ive been thinking about building a muffler for my 6 in to take down some of that noise, but i can tell you they do well for getting that hot air out of your space. peace.
ok i did alot today, 6inch exhauste fan is in, scrog net, and i took 6 clones from the best 6 plants out of the 8, and i also switched to 12/12. here are some pics. any tips or advice will really help, this is my first time growing. how do you all think i did with my clones?


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if u can install a window type air conditioner, (do not use the "in room" type air conditions, it puts tons of moisture in the air!!!) Also if u can afford a water cooled light system. NICE! This is the basics of my room. I use a corner of my bedroom, with 600w bulb and new ditigal ballast ( only $50.oo dollars more than the old ballast, it is way more efficient and no heat!!!)

My temp at only inches from bulb is 78 degree.

With water cooled it is all inclusive, do not have exhaust and vent room.