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  1. Yota

    3 600w's - Super Grape Ape....and WoW

    Ok, so I think this is a "male" flower coming in on some bud that is in week 7 flowering. Never showed any hermie or male signs till now. 1. What is it, is it male flower? 2. How much should it effect my harvest, will it have seeds for sure now? Thanks all
  2. Yota

    Male flowers coming in....during week 7 flower??? What is this?

    Ok, so I think this is a "male" flower coming in on some bud that is in week 7 flowering. Never showed any hermie or male signs till now. 1. What is it, is it male flower? 2. How much should it effect my harvest, will it have seeds for sure now? Thanks all.
  3. Yota

    3 600w's - Super Grape Ape....and WoW

    results coming asap....wont forget
  4. Yota

    3 600w's - Super Grape Ape....and WoW

    damn, didnt realize that I got a reply! Was wondering why nobody commented, thinking I will get some replys after you see the quality going on in here. Im gonna update with a pic soon.
  5. Yota

    My lights never turned on for 8 hours.....

    Got home from work and the lights never turned on! Gotta figure out why, but the thats not the issue I need help with. What should I do about the cycle? The plants are 12/12, and only two days into flowering. Should i continue the same cycle, or turn them on and go for 12 hours from now? If I go...
  6. Yota

    Insulation WITHOUT sheetrock/drywall???

    Seedless was thorough. I would just mention that if you throw up the insulation you run the risk of getting moisture trapped around/behind it. This could cause some mold problems. I know sheet rocking can be a pain, but it would be the best.
  7. Yota

    3 600w's - Super Grape Ape....and WoW

    It's been a while since I have posted a friends:joint: grow. Used to use 600's. Now its tripled, using 3 of them. The system is new also, its an Ebb and Gro so we shall see how that goes. Canopy size is 9X3 approx. Legal medical grow for pain patients. Day one begins today (that's why i have the...
  8. Yota

    Portable air conditioner .vs. Aqua chillers

    not sure the one you are talking about, but air conditioners usually DRY out the air. Ever been in a hotel room with an air conditioner? The water drips outside, and the room gets all dry and hurts your eyes, dry boogers in the morning etc. Id get a different one for sure
  9. Yota

    gonna try 400 watt hps for the first time..

    Jump in there and do Hydro, you wont regret it!
  10. Yota

    Anyone drain old rez water into their septic?

    Is this a bad idea? I dont want my septic tank to go nutty and not decompose, or feed any roots that may be going into the septic. Any thoughts if I should avoid this?
  11. Yota

    Looking for tips for growing in Hydrotron...please

    Anyone else that can offer some tips...
  12. Yota

    Looking for tips for growing in Hydrotron...please

    Any tips for how often to water in Hydrotron would be great. I am using and ebb and grow system. 24 plants under 3 600w's. I have used ebb and flow with coco in the past and it only needed one watering per day. How many times should i be watering with straight hydrotron, and how many times with...
  13. Yota

    2 pounds a month. Need some advice

    And I can confirm, you dont need to much height with HPS. Just heat control! I had a room that was/is 6ft at the most, maybe slightly under. I had a ebb/flow tray (4X4) which took up a few feet of that space. I had 9 plants, and had to keep the lamp all the way up, and keep the plants relatively...
  14. Yota

    2 pounds a month. Need some advice

    Thanks man, gonna take some pics soon for the site. But I am going to go on a limb and plead with you to use HPS bulbs. Dont mess around with all those CFL's that will add up to the wattage of a 600w, but without the punch and lumens. I want to get 1lb a month as well, and have a similar space...
  15. Yota

    2 pounds a month. Need some advice

    hmm, not sure what you want from us. Seems like you are pretty damn sure about everything. Lots of factual statements. I wont give you shit, but I am designing a room thats very similar to yours, but using HPS (3 600's.) I hope to get 1 pound per month and that would be good. 2 pounds per month...
  16. Yota

    Growing Marijuanna At School ;)

    5 bucks says hes already busted
  17. Yota

    Club 600

    Yah i did use the 10k, and I am not completely sold. The buds did have an insane amount of crystals, so I think it worked....BUT i believe I lost some yield as well. Kind of a trade off, and what your looking for. Also, for all the 600w users out there, what are your average yields? I tended to...
  18. Yota

    Club 600

    Have you noticed a decrease in yield after using those sunpulse bulbs? I did so I never used it again, but I had high hopes for it at the time. The guy who sold it really talked it up. And I have the 10k one, which is a crazy violet in color, it is supposed to be used right at the end for extra...
  19. Yota

    400 vs 600 vs 1000 hid

    Yah dude. The last place I live I grew a 4X4 flood tray with a 600. Had it dialed in pretty good too. Now I am building my dream grow space. Not skipping anything, I've been meaning to take some photos for the site. I have been sheet rocking, insulating, everything. I installed plumbing to the...