Insulation WITHOUT sheetrock/drywall???

brett silva

Active Member

Ok, ive spent ALOT of time on Google first, but I cannot find my answer.

I have a wood shed about 9X9. I have plenty of room for 2 1000w hps , a giant filter, and a portable AC.

The walls are not insulated yet. I do not want to have to sheetrock the walls. Is it possible to just hang the insulation and not drywall over it? Will this help at all?

Thank you very much in advance
Most large home supply stores sell insulation board in thicknesses. 2 In. 4 Ft. x 8 Ft. R12.9 Thermasheath 3 Insulation is available from home depot for $40 a sheet, but im sure you could find it cheaper. Im not sure why you dont want to use drywall, but if you want to put up the regular insulation between your studs still, then you can put up thick visqueen (secured to the studs) and put up some panda film or reflective cover over that.It might be cheaper and a better insulation rating if you go with the good ol' drywall.
Seedless was thorough. I would just mention that if you throw up the insulation you run the risk of getting moisture trapped around/behind it. This could cause some mold problems. I know sheet rocking can be a pain, but it would be the best.
sheetrock can get mold build up to, unless it is paperless. just use insulation as long as you got some exhaust going outside you shouldnt have a problem.
dont forget the "green board", its drywall for kitchens and bathrooms.

-Mold resistant board products offered include USG (MoldTough), National Gypsum (XP) and American Gypsum (M-Bloc)
-Use paperless backing and special coating to prevent mold from growing

Its worth the extra $.
hmmmm, Anubis, very interesting. I have AWESOME vent going outside. A 14" vent fan (with speed adjuster) on top of a HUGE can filter. Overkill really.

I know sheetrock is the best, but honestly if i can pull it off without it, and sh** JUST insullation would be very cheap.
lowes has an reflective insulation material thats only 1/4 INCH THICK acg comes in big rolls.
its made out of mylar and bubblewrap if im not mistaken.

meant to save you money in the attic heating and cooling.
Make sure no one know about your op because a wooden shede is very easy to break in..