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  1. TrynaGroSumShyt

    the chitown sourkush thread

    GDs down in my old city got a group they callin Genuine Determination Network(GDN) really showing growth n developement. My growing homie is in the vid. i support what they doin, but that aint the ways of a crip nigga.
  2. TrynaGroSumShyt

    Vert Scrog Flooded Tube Banana OG, Dog Kush 1000w

    If you wanna add me on fb you can, lol. Just ask.
  3. TrynaGroSumShyt

    Club 600

    Lol, definitely LA instruments. I'll join in i got Pots n pans but imma need your spoon.
  4. TrynaGroSumShyt

    Vert Scrog Flooded Tube Banana OG, Dog Kush 1000w

    Times tickin, could be anyday now, huh? My mom doesnt have FB doesnt want it. but her mom, my grandma is on it has more friends than i do, and is on more than me too. are you gonna smoke before or after the birth or do you wanna be sober throughout?
  5. TrynaGroSumShyt

    The Flying Circus

    Hell i'm down too!
  6. TrynaGroSumShyt

    Voidling's Wicking Bed

    i got some vicodins i wish i could share with you.
  7. TrynaGroSumShyt

    The Flying Circus

    i would NEVER hold last year against you guys, ever. But coming from the carolina's my sports experience has been a losing one as well. no where near saint status as of now either. Lol gotta remember i gotta root for bobcats and panthers. though at heart im truly an eagles guy but living here so...
  8. TrynaGroSumShyt

    Rooftop Greenhouse Grow Amsterdam

    Of all your plants D, MJ and non MJ... Which is the fave ?
  9. TrynaGroSumShyt

    the chitown sourkush thread

    Yea, true shit. fucked up i cant get back in school. i don't want to but i got a shitload of vicodin imma have to sell. N this is a whole new area, i now live in Southside of my city, nothin but money n richfolk in my area.
  10. TrynaGroSumShyt


    You look creepy as fuck.
  11. TrynaGroSumShyt

    The Flying Circus

    Im fuckin proud of you WhoDat, i hate your choice to be an ain'ts fan but im glad your off cigs. i bought a pack the other day, i was stressin hard. i smoked 2 and threw them on top of my apartment building. i dont miss that shit.
  12. TrynaGroSumShyt


    well, it is one of those threads.
  13. TrynaGroSumShyt

    the chitown sourkush thread

    i smoke when i can, gotta fellow gardener i met from riu hooks me up every few days i cop a 1/8.. but nowhere near how i was smoking before which was more like an 1/8th a day. all these niggas n bitches i used to show love too wit fat sacks n free bud go missin when u aint got it. i had to move...
  14. TrynaGroSumShyt


    wtf u talkin about
  15. TrynaGroSumShyt

    the chitown sourkush thread

    good advice N analysis. you are correct though. i put y life into drugs/growing. now that i want change i dont even know where to start.
  16. TrynaGroSumShyt

    the chitown sourkush thread

    lol, my girl would be 10-20 minutes. i was talkin bout them stones. or some H. but i aint fuckin wit opiate no more. my mom had a crazy reaction the other day. then in the hospital they gave her anti anxiety shit n that fucked her up worse.
  17. TrynaGroSumShyt

    the chitown sourkush thread

    lol 60" i on need all that i got 50" thats enough, i dont even use it. i know the secret to happiness but it only last 5-10minutes;)
  18. TrynaGroSumShyt

    the chitown sourkush thread

    lol, well i done a few things. but im ready to live, like wake up happy n shit. bben drained recently,like im missing something idk. bored really. everyday is the same routine fa me.
  19. TrynaGroSumShyt

    the chitown sourkush thread

    same here.i was just asking my girl that if i had my dad around would i be different. nobody taught me shit about a man. my mom never tried, she was there but she couldnt handle this. well pops aint here now so what we gon do ? thats the answer i get so ill give it to you. hell we bout 30 now...