Vert Scrog Flooded Tube Banana OG, Dog Kush 1000w

The Sour D smells like Diesel and Grapefruit...that's all I could pick out.

Had 4 of my best buds from High school over yesterday. It was a blast, but today I have a serious drop off. I'm so sad. :( :( I'll get over it considering I have a great deal to look forward too in the near future, but damn it has me feeling secluded. Don't know when I'll see them all again. But it was real nice. We played hackey sack for over an hour, smoked tons of pot (well I did, they smoked a little), went to lunch at the mexican restaurant, and sat around chatting. It was too short. Boo hoo.

It really meant a lot to me that they came up to see me. Last time as a Non dad. Life is a changing.
Sounds like a great day man! I was just thinking about some old friends while I drove yesterday. I haven't seen any I knew as a teenager other then family in almost 9 years. I joked with my wife that even if they have a highschool reunion no one would be able to find me if they wanted to. I don't use Facebook or any other social sites then this one. There are a handful or people is love to sit down with and catch up a little.
It was comforting to my soul. I miss them so much right now. I feel like that's part of the reason I don't go down to San Diego, it's only a couple hours drive, but there is so much pain leaving each time. I often wonder why I left home, kinda wishing I could go back. But we have other plans, and there is a giant world out there to see. I just miss my people. The ones who really know me and know where I came from. At least they are doing well. It's comforting to know they are happy and progressing through life, somewhat lol. We're all around 35 and of the 5 of us, 2 are married, 1 engaged, 2 no girlfriends. I'm the only one with a kid on the way. The other guy who's married just had his wife accept a job in LA and she moved there. Not sure I'd call that progress, but whatevs, he gets a house they own to himself in SD.

Now I'm just blabbing. I like my friends. I like you guys. It's a shame we cant just all hang out all the time. But then that would be boring, and I'd want to move away, hahaha.

[rant] And yeah I know you aren't on any kind of social media. It's really fucking frustrating. I have a slight resentment towards anyone who isn't on facebook. I don't know what all you peoples reasons are... but you're all selfish. There are people that would absolutely LOVE to know what's going on with you, like your grammy, or your old high school teacher, or ME!!!! All 4 of the guys who came over yesterday are NOt on facebook and it drives me nuts. I'm not saying everyone should spend their lives 'liking' posts or playing farmville (dated reference)... I just mean an update or two through out the year, with a pic or two to go along with it. [/rant]

I guess I'll enjoy my morning.

HHB!!! Almost 35 weeks!!! Nearly there everyone!!!!!!!!! Oh, haha, about baby stuff. At the store the other day we picked up snacks for me when we are in the hospital. Basically anything that will keep not being refrigerated. It's like a heart attack in two grocery bags... really can't wait to eat it all. Will be like being 14 again and stuffing my face with chips and crackers and candy. I was a fat little 7th grader... well maybe not fat by US standards, but fat for europe. My nickname was love-handles.
Better to have loved and lost then never to have loved at all... Or however that goes.
I like being away from people, but a visit from my friends sure would be nice.

edit: lmao I love how you lumped yourself in the same category as grammies and old high school teachers! I gots FB but never update anything Im up to on it... I do check it every time Im on the toilet, infact thats the only time I check it,,, so that says something right there haha.

HH to tha B! woo hooo! HHB!!!!
It was comforting to my soul. I miss them so much right now. I feel like that's part of the reason I don't go down to San Diego, it's only a couple hours drive, but there is so much pain leaving each time. I often wonder why I left home, kinda wishing I could go back. But we have other plans, and there is a giant world out there to see. I just miss my people. The ones who really know me and know where I came from. At least they are doing well. It's comforting to know they are happy and progressing through life, somewhat lol. We're all around 35 and of the 5 of us, 2 are married, 1 engaged, 2 no girlfriends. I'm the only one with a kid on the way. The other guy who's married just had his wife accept a job in LA and she moved there. Not sure I'd call that progress, but whatevs, he gets a house they own to himself in SD.

Now I'm just blabbing. I like my friends. I like you guys. It's a shame we cant just all hang out all the time. But then that would be boring, and I'd want to move away, hahaha.

[rant] And yeah I know you aren't on any kind of social media. It's really fucking frustrating. I have a slight resentment towards anyone who isn't on facebook. I don't know what all you peoples reasons are... but you're all selfish. There are people that would absolutely LOVE to know what's going on with you, like your grammy, or your old high school teacher, or ME!!!! All 4 of the guys who came over yesterday are NOt on facebook and it drives me nuts. I'm not saying everyone should spend their lives 'liking' posts or playing farmville (dated reference)... I just mean an update or two through out the year, with a pic or two to go along with it. [/rant]

I guess I'll enjoy my morning.

HHB!!! Almost 35 weeks!!! Nearly there everyone!!!!!!!!! Oh, haha, about baby stuff. At the store the other day we picked up snacks for me when we are in the hospital. Basically anything that will keep not being refrigerated. It's like a heart attack in two grocery bags... really can't wait to eat it all. Will be like being 14 again and stuffing my face with chips and crackers and candy. I was a fat little 7th grader... well maybe not fat by US standards, but fat for europe. My nickname was love-handles.

Times tickin, could be anyday now, huh? My mom doesnt have FB doesnt want it. but her mom, my grandma is on it has more friends than i do, and is on more than me too. are you gonna smoke before or after the birth or do you wanna be sober throughout?
Well I am a sentimental old sissy. My friends left yesterday and as they drove away I started absolutely freaking out because I forgot to get our picture together. All credit to the wife... I would have been sulking for days, but she said get the phone fast. I called and texted and called and texted and someone got one of the texts. They turned around and came back, just so I could get my picture. It made me oh so very happy. Like the whole day was worth it to get that pic. It's a good pic too. :)

There is nothing I love better than being around a bunch of my buds. Other than being with my wife of course.

EDIT: Smoking before, during, and after birth will be something we take as it goes. I don't really have any plans, but I'm not going in with any rules either. I'll smoke before we leave for the hospital just to chill me out a little. I'm sure I'll be a wreck. Will probably smoke in the parking lot before we go in as well. Not sure when my next chance will be and I'm not going to mess with edibles, would suck to be on a whitey for my little n's arrival. After, who knows. I'll probably be so thrilled I'll light up a bowl in the hospital room, lol. Just kidding mom!

EDIT 2: I still don't even know your name T. I just call you T around home. Wife knows who I mean. I guess you don't know mine either then. So odd how much we can know one another and yet still not 'know' one another.
Long story short since I had a great explanation typed out and lost it .............GRRRAAhahahahaahgGHGAGAWawrarawraw!!!!!!!!!!!

Facebook is way too connected for my tastes, they link everything you do on the internet (not including riu) so everyone else can see. I know you can set stuff to private but the privacy sucks. I've had a friend that some person stole their private pictures some how and used them to make fake pages. I've got an old myspace page floating around out there with about 3 pictures on it, but have never had a desire to join facebook.

That being said my wife has face book so I'll see if she'll let me say hi :)!

I stopped on the way to the hospital and bought a oneie to commemorate the occasion! I also took my white widow with me for some tokes in the parking lot before and the 2 days after. Mom was glad to have it too afterwards once they let her "take a walk" :) it REALLY helped her with the cramping and after pains!
I definitely feel ya on the friends bit man. Luckily I'm still pretty close with the handful of true friends I have. We pick up right where we left off last and run with it. Two them are actually the ones I'm going to Thailand with. Good friends will always turn around for you. Or at least that's my opinion. It's always interesting to see how each of us has progressed through life as you said. One married, one engaged, and I'm the one without. hahah.

The fb thing is always an interesting issue. I think TC put it best. I reluctant to post everything on fb but I do have my privacy settings locked down hard. I don't need more bullshit to deal with. It does make keeping in touch with friends hella easier.

I will say despite not knowing each other's names on here, I consider you guys as much of friends as the ones I see. I share the same info and give advice and all that jazz. The people I chat with on here via journals are some of the best and truly genuine ppl I know.

HHBG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! wait one more !
We played hackey sack, smoked pot, went to lunch at the mexican restaurant, and sat around chatting.

This is my gang, to the letter.


I am glad that you got a reminder of what life is supposed to be about
(like spending time with friends). It is like when one has a real vacation,
when, after a few days, one remembers life before the wheel.

Now, back to work. (I am talking to myself here)


P.S. Carne Asada Burrito and Three Rolled Tacos, with Guacamole.
One thing I honestly forget about the facebook thing is that many of you guys are involved in illegal activity (lol sounds so bad said like that). But yeah, I grow legally. I don't talk about it on FB, but I'm not sketched out being friends with other growers. I know how 'secret' I keep my life, and that's with a rec. So I get that side of it. My friends just don't like it because it's 'lame' or something. Nothing to do with actual concerns like privacy.

This is my gang, to the letter.

I bet we'd get along pretty well. :)

Doc appt. this morning. Probably boring and fast like last time. Measure, check heart beat, ask any questions, see you next week. Takes about that long. Shame it's 45 minutes drive each way. We're also going to be meeting out doula again. They are like a birthing assistant kinda thing.

Good luck with the appointments Jig, and you can add me of fb if you want lol.

I'll be having the fried chili relleno, smothered,,, and a double margarita on the rocks no salt,,,, and when its time to go I'll have a big ass HORCHATA!!!!!! I <3 horchata!
ya'll can't add me to that shit. you do know they own copyright to print anything you put in there? private messages the lot.

HHB today then Jig? i forgot the due date but it's got to be coming up. smoking before the hospital mmmm man i dunno if i'd freak or need another hit lol
You guys are just thinking of movies where they nearly deliver in the car/taxi. None of my 4 kids had any excitement. My wife was in labor for 36 hours with our daughter and pushed for 4 hours but even then it wasnt like freak out stuff. It was like alright already lets get going woman Im tired of watching the same shows here! She may recall it differently but it was close to that.
One thing I honestly forget about the facebook thing is that many of you guys are involved in illegal activity (lol sounds so bad said like that). But yeah, I grow legally. I don't talk about it on FB, but I'm not sketched out being friends with other growers. I know how 'secret' I keep my life, and that's with a rec. So I get that side of it. My friends just don't like it because it's 'lame' or something. Nothing to do with actual concerns like privacy.

I bet we'd get along pretty well. :)

Doc appt. this morning. Probably boring and fast like last time. Measure, check heart beat, ask any questions, see you next week. Takes about that long. Shame it's 45 minutes drive each way. We're also going to be meeting out doula again. They are like a birthing assistant kinda thing.


i had a doula, they aint worth shit. they do YOUR job, of holding hands and feeding ice chips. i swear she did nothing else lol. What is their job ?
I had time to build a couple of plue peter joints b4 we jumped in the car and rushed off to the hospital with hatty. LGP was having mad contractions and couldn't get her jeans on so i built a couple and we smoked one on the way there. Had the baby in an hour, I went outside to make phoe calls and have the other bifta lol, was very surreal dream like situation, I think the pot helped get a handle on things cuz I was buzzing me moobs off lol.
Good luck with the appointments Jig, and you can add me of fb if you want lol.

I'll be having the fried chili relleno, smothered,,, and a double margarita on the rocks no salt,,,, and when its time to go I'll have a big ass HORCHATA!!!!!! I <3 horchata!

I'd like 1 shrimp burritos, 3 beef rolled tacos w/ cheese and guacamole, and a shreaded chicken taco. Large Horchata for me as well. Mmmmmmm.

ya'll can't add me to that shit. you do know they own copyright to print anything you put in there? private messages the lot.

HHB today then Jig? i forgot the due date but it's got to be coming up. smoking before the hospital mmmm man i dunno if i'd freak or need another hit lol

You worried about facebook making a book on your private life don?

Due date is Aug 20. Just over a month (as if you couldn't put that one together on your own lol)

You guys are just thinking of movies where they nearly deliver in the car/taxi. None of my 4 kids had any excitement. My wife was in labor for 36 hours with our daughter and pushed for 4 hours but even then it wasnt like freak out stuff. It was like alright already lets get going woman Im tired of watching the same shows here! She may recall it differently but it was close to that.

I'm thinking our whole time will take 6 hours. From start to finish. Real shitty thing (in my eyes) is they keep you in the hospital for 2 days after birth. Fuck man... I want to go home.

i had a doula, they aint worth shit. they do YOUR job, of holding hands and feeding ice chips. i swear she did nothing else lol. What is their job ?

I'm hoping ours does a little more... though I'm not exactly sure what their job is. At least she can take pics for us. :)

I had time to build a couple of plue peter joints b4 we jumped in the car and rushed off to the hospital with hatty. LGP was having mad contractions and couldn't get her jeans on so i built a couple and we smoked one on the way there. Had the baby in an hour, I went outside to make phoe calls and have the other bifta lol, was very surreal dream like situation, I think the pot helped get a handle on things cuz I was buzzing me moobs off lol.

Mrs. Jig is of half a mind to have a smoke before leaving for the hospital... but she kinda freaks out sometimes on herb, so probably not the best idea. As bad of a time me being on a whitey is during delivery, I can't imagine mom having to go through it.

Doc appt went fine. All's good and we go back in a week.

Forgot to check my plants yesterday and this afternoon there were two all shriveled up. Oops. I'm sure they'll be fine though.