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  1. N

    Is my hermie reveg a ticking time bomb?

    I really enjoy females but not the ones with big balls hanging off of them! I think I should throw them all out.
  2. N

    Is my hermie reveg a ticking time bomb?

    What about the seeds? Has anyone used hermie generate seeds? I had a friend give me some last year she said they were stress induced fem seeds, I call them hermie. They turn the light on for 1 hr during the dark period to induce seeds. With out a male there all fem. they claim. I haven't tried...
  3. N

    Thought of something Interesting...

    Just wear gloves and a mask its well worth it to use OF soil. My wife is allergic to crab but she can pick it with gloves on. I live next to fox farm soil company and have been there many times. There is very little sea creatures added in a bag of soil its mostly full of composted forest debris...
  4. N

    2 blue dreams and a couple questions

    I wish we lived closer together I would love to try the alien Og and have really god BD strain. Its got a really strong blueberry smell with a deep haze smoke favor. The girl that I got the BD from gets 2 1/2 to 3 LBS per 1000 watt. I'm not quite there yet still at 1 1/2 per 1000. How come...
  5. N

    The synthetic urine thread

    Anyone know how long synthetic urine will last unopened? I have had a box for over a year unused and was wondering shelf life.
  6. N

    Blue Dream

    Best BD I have ever smoked!! Smooth finish and long lasting motivated buzz. I'm heading out right now to get motivated with a bong load of wake and bake!! Happy weekend burning!!
  7. N

    2 blue dreams and a couple questions

    The blue dream strain I grow gets about 30" in 21 days and its a hell of a big eater. Lots of laterals from the start. I grew some HSO BD seeds last run and they didn't even look like my BD strain. They stayed small and grew very slow.
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    Max Yield Equation

    That's quite a yield sounds like you have it going on ! Any tips for the rest of us ?
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    Solar Powered Grow

    Around 40,000$ if you build and install yourself. At the time I purchased my system the state and fed rebates were really high about 60% the total cost in a rebate check. I think all said and done It cost me out of pocket 12,000$. At the time my utility bill was around 250 per month and now its...
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    Solar Powered Grow

    My panels are 30" x 60" and they output 200 watts each. I think the new panels are a bit smaller and more efficient around 230 watts each. Solar has come along way in the last few years. The panels work best on a sunny 58 deg f day as the panel material is more active at that temp. The panels...
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    Solar Powered Grow

    I just wanted to know if anyone else out there is using solar power to run there indoor grow? About 4 years ago I installed a 32 panel system that generates enough power to supply 2 1000 watt lights with accessory's. The panels output at the peek sun of the day is over 6000 watts per hour. The...
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    Well I guess its time to start the day smoked way too much blue dream this morning! I seem to have lost the last 3 hrs between Christmas shopping on amazon and getting lost in RIU. Oh well!! I guess it could be worse I could be out of MJ!. That will never happen! Enjoy the rest of your weekend Star!
  13. N


    Its nothing like your fall but these are from a while back near my home. A fall sunset and a local high mountain lake full of rainbow trout. It sit right in the middle of bigfoot country on an old Indian village there's kind of sense of calm when your there.
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    The eastern US must be a very beautiful place to put up with weather like that al winter? I have always wanted to take a fall drive around NE US when the trees are in full color. Is the fall up there a beautiful as it seems? During are fall the redwoods turn from green to reddish green not very...
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    When mine popped three I was able to separate one of them but the other too were fused together into one tap root. Two of them eventually died but the single one turned into a beautiful plant! How's the weather back east?
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    I had a seed a few years ago that sprouted triplets? I though it was pretty strange but not so uncommon. Nature works in mysterious ways.
  17. N

    What's the weather where you are???

    Holly shit lime that's too cold! I would move if I lived there its 29 here today and that's too cold. Good luck up there!! May the bong keep you all warm this morning!!
  18. N

    New commercial grower, what are your favorites?

    I purchased my BD seeds from HSO they were great grow ups but completely different from my BD clones I purchased locally here in Humboldt. The seedlings were more indicia looking where the clones were sativa all the way. Both turned out excellent I'm not sure which one I like better? I guess...