Thought of something Interesting...


Active Member
I am deathly allergic to shrimp and lobster, like anaphylactic shock allergic, and I forwent the ocean forest soil because it has shrimp meal in it. Am I overreacting in thinking there could be even the slightest of a chance that I could possible have a reaction while medicating if I were to use that soil? Lol crazy question, but here's the ingredients in short from Amazon:

"Fox Farm's Ocean Forest is a unique potting soil that combines the best fertilizers found on land with the finest sea ingredients available. The result is a rich, light, organic potting soil that encourages healthy root growth, disease resistance and leafy foliage. Ocean Forest consists of rich composted forest humus, Spaghnum peat, bat guano, fish, crab, shrimp and Norwegian kelp meals, premium earthworm castings and oyster shells to ensure a balanced pH."
Id be careful. Your hand/palms are very absorbent. I think theyre one of the most absorbent surfaces on our skin. Thats how people were dying when they put morphine patches on their hands to try to get a rush when in reality it absorbed too fast and killed em.

So id stay away from it. When it gets dry it gets dusty too and it could get in your lungs. Im not sure how much would activate your allergies but there are a million other soils out there for you to use so if you could id avoid it.
If your allergic to shrimp then yes stay away....not from the bud but the I'm sure your aware, the mere vapors can set it off
I ended up getting Happy Frog just because of the word shrimp in the Ocean Forest. I just kind of wondered how that would play out if I got the Ocean Forest, lol. No worries I didn't, thanks for the replies, I had never even thought about what companies do put in soils and that is one I need to stay away from haha.

Happy Smoking!
i am in no way plugging this company <~~~~~~ had to throw a disclaimer out >.<
but peruvian gold if you ask the sales dept. for a sample they will send you one its a bit watered down but it works well there is a link on there site for sales
they sent me 4 32oz bottles one for every stage and a micro feed
its just lama poop
but i would as mentioned many times already stay away from anything you are that allergic too since you would be breathing the dust from it for an entire grow
i am in no way plugging this company <~~~~~~ had to throw a disclaimer out >.<
but peruvian gold if you ask the sales dept. for a sample they will send you one its a bit watered down but it works well there is a link on there site for sales
they sent me 4 32oz bottles one for every stage and a micro feed
its just lama poop
but i would as mentioned many times already stay away from anything you are that allergic too since you would be breathing the dust from it for an entire grow

Ooooooo I think everyone can agree that free samples are a good thing! Yea I will definitely stay away from that stuff. It makes me kinda sad though because everyone loves it.
Food allergies are the worst. Back in the day one of our friends in our circle was allergic to eggs and anything that hatched from them. Fish, fowl, reptiles. Didn't matter. That guy wouldn't eat out anywhere due to paranoia.
Food allergies are the worst. Back in the day one of our friends in our circle was allergic to eggs and anything that hatched from them. Fish, fowl, reptiles. Didn't matter. That guy wouldn't eat out anywhere due to paranoia.

Damn, I am paranoid enough being allergic to two foods. I can't even imagine being allergic to eggs!!!
I too have a shellfish allergy and was nervous about trying OF. But .. i heard too many good reviews and i finally gave in and bought some bags. I wore gloves at first and was very careful not to touch the soil. The more i handled the soil the more lazy i got with wearing gloves and trying not to touch the soil. I realized i didn't have any kind of reaction to the soil. No rash, hives or swelling of the fingers. That was several years ago and i still use OF and don't use gloves anymore..

This is just my personal experience. Your allergy sounds a little more sensitive than mine and i would recommend staying away if i were you. When i first started using the soil I was afraid of my fingers swelling up, rash, or hives if i touched the soil. I wasn't afraid that i would stop breathing. I only fear anaphylaxis if i eat shellfish. I can sit in the middle of a bunch of people eating crab and lobster and not have a reaction, only if i touch it will i get hives and swell.

Be safe
I switched from FFOF to Happy Frog about 6 months ago. Plants seem to be just fine overall if not better. I'm not allergic to anything in FFOF. I'm just saying.
my problem i encountered with FFOF was by the time the plant got to the bloom stage the soil seemed to rich in N and i almost never flush and you almost have too before flower it seemed like to me
see no point in it i just stop feeding and im not going to change my habits to match a soil
that and its to hot to start seedlings in is my biggest problem with it
my problem i encountered with FFOF was by the time the plant got to the bloom stage the soil seemed to rich in N and i almost never flush and you almost have too before flower it seemed like to me
see no point in it i just stop feeding and im not going to change my habits to match a soil
that and its to hot to start seedlings in is my biggest problem with it

Now that was a concern I had. I was afraid that if I tried to stick a seed in there that it was going to be way too hot with all the stuff that are already in it.
I rep all miracle grow products....
Grow in whatever you want...don't get ffof just because its ff or something..if it doesn't have the ratios you feel your plants need, then get something else
And yes many members use all mg products...just saying
I rep all miracle grow products....
Grow in whatever you want...don't get ffof just because its ff or something..if it doesn't have the ratios you feel your plants need, then get something else
And yes many members use all mg products...just saying

Yea, I have definitely seen a fair share of people n the site who use Miracle Grow. More power to ya!
Just wear gloves and a mask its well worth it to use OF soil. My wife is allergic to crab but she can pick it with gloves on. I live next to fox farm soil company and have been there many times. There is very little sea creatures added in a bag of soil its mostly full of composted forest debris and worm castings. I have compared HF and OF by filling beds of each and the OF blew HF away. I like HF because its cheaper about 6$ per bag compared to OF at 10$. I also add many ingredients to the base soil in the bottom of the raised bed then put OF on top. I use subcools super soil recipe to some degree seems to really take any strain to the next level!!