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  1. fat sam

    what size tent i need for six plants?

    it all depends on how much light your going to use, i would suggest a 4x4 tent with either a 600 or 1k light, i have a 5x5 tent with 2 600's and 7 big ass plants in it
  2. fat sam

    putting clones under 1000 watt HPS with crops???

    i have cloned under a 600 hps, i just put them in the dome and cover it with a piece of paper so that they dont get to much light, of course the other option is at home depot they have these single bulb t12 floros that come with a 2 foot warm white bulb for like 12 bucks.... but bact to your...
  3. fat sam

    canfilter ?

    you can use it both ways, if you are pushing air through it and you want to maximize the filter life you can take the dust filter off the outside and stick it in the inside
  4. fat sam

    Will my house burn down?

    wyteboi is the only guy who got it right on this whole post, i would run either dual 15's one for each light or a 30.....just for the lights, then the rest of your stuff is low watt shit for the most part so the pumps and shit can be on the outlets supplied to the room but those lights need...
  5. fat sam

    Switching Lights During Flowering?

    you get the best of both worlds with the sonagro bulbs, they have all the lumens of hps with a bit more blue, you see plants use far more red light than blue so the halide bulbs put out much more blue than the plants need.....not that thats a bad thing but your best buds are grown with hps lights
  6. fat sam

    Fox farm nutes?

    for veg you need the grow big and big bloom, the big bloom is used through the whole cycle, its sort of like the catalyst that kicks off the stuff, then for flower you use tiger bloom and big bloom, the three powder ones are flowering add ons, youstart with open sesemee, then the beastie bloomz...
  7. fat sam

    First time grower, long time smoker

    you dont need 8 inch fans, you could get a 100 cfm inline fan to cool the light and exhaust the room, then just an oscilating fan to keep the air mixing in the room, but yeah t5's will do good but if you can get your hands on a 600 hps or a 430 and you will get some donkey dick buds
  8. fat sam

    first time grower question - can you alternate between sun and indoor lights?

    yeah thats totally fine to do and wont harm the plant at all, use as much sun light as you can
  9. fat sam

    question about lights [to everyone]

    ok your first concern for a garden is security......and by the sounds of it you dont have that, secondly as far as lights go without bringing led's in to the mix an hps is the most efficent light, 600 watts of hps gives off more light than 600 watts of floro's, people mistakenly think that...
  10. fat sam

    seeds,nuitrent, what is best seeds to buy

    what strain to get totally depends on what your looking for and where your growing and shit, like if your grow space is not very tall then some autos might be the ticket for you, or if your looking for quantity over quality, you need to figure out what you want in the plants then go seed shoping
  11. fat sam

    Poster board as mylar, anything wrong?

    it gives just the same effect as white paint but without the headache, mess and cost not to mention that if you rent its not always wise to paint the closet or whatever, but yeah it reflects as good as white paint, you have to be carefull though not to get it wet at all as it will discolor and...
  12. fat sam

    3 5 or 7 gallon pots?

    i would go with the big pots with fewer plants, you wont turn the crop over as much due to increased veg time but not by much, plus it is easier to take care of say 12 plants than it is 30 and if your in a state that has med laws then its the way to go
  13. fat sam

    Traveling to mexico with Bud - fool proof

    ok first off coffee only will conceal the smell for humans, a dogs smell is super sensitive and it will smell coffee and weed, if i were you i would just get weed there, i mean shit bringing drugs to mexico is sort of like bringing sand to a beach
  14. fat sam

    How can I prove to someone I'm not a cop?

    ok first thing is thats a myth that a cop cant lie to you....they can and do lie ALL THE TIME, an undercover cop is in no way obligated to tell you he is a cop, there are things a cop cant do though like do drugs, if someone thinks your a cop tell them let me hit your pipe, if that wont shut...
  15. fat sam

    VHO, very high output from advanced nutrients

    the ones that bag on AN are either to broke and cant afford it or they are stuck in the stone ages and use shit like peters and miracle grow.... i mean yeah they are pricy but it is a pot specific product.....unlike a lot of others
  16. fat sam

    Ruderalis is not a Type of Cannabis

    think of it this way...sativa originated in the tropics....ruderalis is from the far north and indica is somewhere in the middle...seems like different ones to me....damn ruderalis high
  17. fat sam

    (2) 400 watt hps VS. (1) 1000 watt

    your bill wont go down at all....a thousand watt light still pulls a thousand say your 1000 watt ballast pulls 10 amps at 110 volts at 220 it pulls 5 amps...but it pulls it through 2 wires...2-5 amp wires so your bill wont go down
  18. fat sam

    watering plants with coffee?

  19. fat sam

    Up to Date Photos of Your Girls!

    here are my sour d ladys 2 weeks in
  20. fat sam

    THE SUN VS 400w HPS for Flowering.

    yeah direct sunlight will smoke a lamp in terms of light and spectrum any day, your routine of sun plus hps for veg is solid, use as much sun as you can for flower as the sun has no trouble getting to the bottom of the plant like a lamp does, like if a plant is sitting there in the sun the...