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  1. bassman999

    Doc's Dank Seeds

    The other way for me as heat is my kryptonite. Being Cali all my life thats weird I guess but cold is my preference
  2. bassman999

    Easty's treats - P300 LED grow

    Seems like Big Oil and Govt greed is the main culprit. Electric and solar cars etc are simple solutions that dont make enough money to be implemented fully
  3. bassman999

    Easty's treats - P300 LED grow

    An Ice Age doesnt sound very fun.
  4. bassman999

    Breeders Boutique

    Shit luck man! Hopefully they will have them again. I plan to make some seeds if I get a boy and/or some crosses. I love colors and welcome that, trimming not so much but its a means to an end. Worst for me is chopping the pretty girls down.
  5. bassman999

    Doc's Dank Seeds

    You make use of the whole day dude!
  6. bassman999

    Breeders Boutique

    Thanks ABM
  7. bassman999

    Breeders Boutique

    Shes doing well, great genetics on display!
  8. bassman999

    Club 600

    Seeds are pretty reslient. My brother threw bagseed in his backyard and several popped up and actually grew and he didnt water or anything Post some pics if you do and ask for help if you need it theres lots of knowledge in this thread. these guys and gals taught me to grow
  9. bassman999

    Club 600

    I want to flower that when its back in stock
  10. bassman999

    Club 600

    I am at day 51, and they (Dark Heart Nursery) say 7-8 weeks and Ill have to scope them tomorrow and see. They keep popping new pistils.....
  11. bassman999

    Club 600

    They were all water only fed for ease, but might have needed some teas or something. I have the other tent pics in the BB thread
  12. bassman999

    Breeders Boutique

    Dog#2 Dog#1 Psycho Killer Taller pheno Group shot
  13. bassman999

    Doc's Dank Seeds

    During flower? Yuck!
  14. bassman999

    Doc's Dank Seeds

    Liquor Commission? So smoking is supposed to make it toxic I guess? I think they want it to be too hard to control bugs legally
  15. bassman999

    Doc's Dank Seeds

    Not sure why omri listed neem is a no go :?
  16. bassman999

    JRock's House

    Planning dinner at lunch time haha!
  17. bassman999

    Easty's treats - P300 LED grow

    Do you think its global warming or just natural environmental cycles? Either way its coming and will be hard with increased popultion
  18. bassman999

    JRock's House

    All this talk of chilis and now I am hungry. Time to go to store and buy some food
  19. bassman999

    JRock's House

    Not sure, but I avoid those peppers sometimes as I know they might be an issue.
  20. bassman999

    JRock's House

    Im not affected as bad as others I know, but I have stomach issues so some days it hits me harder than others. The worst peppers for my stomach believe it or not are basic jalapenos for some reason