I need to start getting my vegetable garden gear together. I think I wanna do radishes this year. My ma had over 100 butternut squash this year. Had some when I went up there last weekend it was really good. They always do radishes that come out nice and spicy. All u need is salt raw or toss them in a salad they are great.
I have done radishes here a few times in small batches, I have some sparkling radish seeds I saw when I was digging the other day. I need to either purchase some more promix to top everything up or wait on compost to get done before I plant any more veggies and I cant purchase now, so looks like I'll wait. I would love to have a bunch of squash, but that shit has gotten pm every time I have planted it here, I mean every time
This one


I have done radishes here a few times in small batches, I have some sparkling radish seeds I saw when I was digging the other day. I need to either purchase some more promix to top everything up or wait on compost to get done before I plant any more veggies and I cant purchase now, so looks like I'll wait. I would love to have a bunch of squash, but that shit has gotten pm every time I have planted it here, I mean every time
Man I hear that on the squash. I'm in the same state as my mom only about an hour and a half away and my squash always get fucked. I love butternut as dessert or side dishes. They gotta be one of the most versatile veggies. You can even make killer pie out of them taste like pumpkin actually. My rental yard is not cut out for gardening. My only good spot is my tomatoes which have a brick wall that kinda create a nice little microclimate for them to thrive early on. My mini bells did awesome last year tho. Super sweet like candy. Awesome raw or in a salad or on some italian sausages with giardinara.
Yeah we get alot of pomelo here, its cheap as chips. The difference between here and there regarding fruits is we see things year round where there its sold as seasonal, thats horse shit, keep the prices up and keep everyone at the grocery store buying packaged SHIT