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  1. NyQuilkush318

    Paper Bags for Curing?

    When Ipput them in jars well it taste better because it taste dry but smell great so when I put in glass jars n cure ffor a while we'll the taste come back
  2. NyQuilkush318

    Paper Bags for Curing?

    Ok bro they fell sticky so u think they would be ok with bag open or I should close bag I make 2days tomorrow I will jar them up
  3. NyQuilkush318

    My herb smells like Hay :......./

    Can i get a lil help I need to no if I should close paper bag with buds in it or leve bag open help please
  4. NyQuilkush318

    My herb smells like Hay :......./

    I have t I have my buds n paper bags do i close bag or leve open
  5. NyQuilkush318

    Paper Bags for Curing?

    QUOTE="blackforest, post: 10843962, member: 681639"]Put them in and check them in 12 hrs. if they are all pretty wet, take them back out and let them dry a little more. if they are about the same dryness, they are pretty much good to seal and burp once or twice a day for a few days to help...
  6. NyQuilkush318

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Hey bro thinks for getting back at me will my humidity be in 40 50 so u think I should close bag on the second day in bag
  7. NyQuilkush318

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Hey bro do you close bag when u put buds n paper bag or u leve open
  8. NyQuilkush318

    mixing drying then curing

    When you put buds in bags do u close bag or leve open bro
  9. NyQuilkush318

    Best way to dispose of plant?

    Hey bro I have a qustion when u trime ur buds n put them in bags do u close it or leve bag open
  10. NyQuilkush318

    How to dry my buds?

    Don't listen to that thats not wright ur temps 75to65 humidity 45to55 3days4 hang drying thenbbrown paper bag for 2to3 days then jar them up humidity below 55is bad piece
  11. NyQuilkush318

    Bubblegummer reverting back to VEG?

    I chop her at 12weeks some people say 9 some say 10 Isay 12- chop weeks
  12. NyQuilkush318

    Bubblegummer reverting back to VEG?

    I just chop my bubble gummer she is n Brown paper bag smell great
  13. NyQuilkush318

    How do YOU prevent over-drying?

    Hey bro I just trim my buds in put into brown paper bag u say close bag an I read to keep open I'm tarn in between the two open close don't mean no harm am trying to find out what it really is
  14. NyQuilkush318

    Paper Bags for Curing?

    Hey bro so when i put them in bags after i take them down from hang dry do i close the bag or leve open because I'm kind of confused about leaving the bag open or closed in it
  15. NyQuilkush318

    Paper Bags for Curing?

    I read when they go n bags u keep bag open
  16. NyQuilkush318

    Paper Bags for Curing?

    Ok bro am putting them in bags later I been hang dry now about to be 4days I will cut her down on 4day and bag her for 3days n then jar her
  17. NyQuilkush318

    My herb smells like Hay :......./

    How long it takes for the hay smell to be gone
  18. NyQuilkush318

    My herb smells like Hay :......./

    [QUOlongTE="NyQuilkush318, post: 10849816, member: 845790"] How long it took for sweetsmell to ccome back
  19. NyQuilkush318

    Paper Bags for Curing?

    Ok bro so when I put them in bags after 4days hang ing do I close bag after 2or3days left open or do I put them stright in jars an the hay smell killing me so to get rid of the hay smell I have to burp my jars or is the hay smell will be gone by time I jar them