I never have problems pruning in flower. You have to be careful though (or so I've been told). Too much pruning can stress a plant which can cause all sorts of problems. This is okay in veg as the plant can be fixed before thrown into flower. But once flowering, any stress effects the final...
I had a nasty spider mite infection on an outdoor bruce banner grow 2 or so years ago. Cleaning off the webs, blasting the mites off with a stream of water, manually inspecting and squishing any mites/eggs and then spraying with neem oil did the trick for me.
My outdoor plants never have thrip problems, but I brought one indoors last year and it had a thrip explosion.
If I were to do it again I would thoroughly inspect them and spray them with water before I brought them in, then add a layer of good EWC and then do an IPM regimen (alternating...
A layer of good compost and EWC and 2"+ of straw mulch did the trick for me. I use sticky traps to detect them (and somewhat control them), not to eliminate them.
I will say that running SIPs really helps. I never water from the top any more. If I add amendments I just move the straw mulch...
I used TP link smart plugs (as well as others) for my last grow. There were a few times where they didn't respond as they should. I stopped using them and coded my own system using an arduino, some sensors and SSRs. -- Just a word of caution.
You don't need the intake carbon filter or the one for the lights.
If you need to filter for bugs/dust, just use:
AmazonSmile: Hydrofarm ACBS6 Bug Fan Exhaust Screen, 6" Intake Shield, Black: Garden & Outdoor
I've done similar. You should expect the air in tent 2 to be warmer and more humid.
You can do so much with it. Ferment it, fpj, compost it, give it to worms, throw it on top as mulch...
If you were to only feed your plants old weed plants (that were healthy), they would have all the nutrients they need.
Stick in a window AC that will work with your watts and a put dehumidifier in there. If the weather is right, stick in a window fan in one window and open the other window. Keeps the temps in the room the temps for flower. I use ACinfinity fans as exhaust fans for the tent... if you get the...
It's sour stuff. 5 or 6 days sounds right.
If the curds are white, and anything on the bottom is white, and the strained liquid is yellow it's probably fine.
I played with this a bit and didn't really find a difference between running 24/7 and running 1 minute every hour.
Whatever you do, don't let that hydroton dry out completely or salts will accumulate.
I've got 2 of those partitioned tents sitting in my garage, still in their original shipping packaging. On both of them the partition is removeable.
AmazonSmile : TopoGrow 2-in-1 Indoor Grow Tent 48"x36"x72" 600D High-Reflective W/2-Tiered for Lodge Propagation and Flower Plant Growing : Garden...