Fungas Gnats - bottom watering

DE + fans in late flower = a fucking mess. I have used it in multiple runs but not anymore. Sticky traps and nematodes are my new go to. They take a week or so to establish in your soil but do the trick for me. I also tried the few handfuls of perlite on top to make it harder for the bastards to navigate. fans went from low to med/high and pointed more towards the soil, and my tent exhaust fans also were turned up for more negative pressure. I havent seen gnats in months until i opened a fresh bag of Ocean Forest a couple days ago
Just add some S. feltiae todes and be done with them.

Or grab some Gnatrol and drench.

Both are safe and effective.

And dont over water!
A layer of good compost and EWC and 2"+ of straw mulch did the trick for me. I use sticky traps to detect them (and somewhat control them), not to eliminate them.

I will say that running SIPs really helps. I never water from the top any more. If I add amendments I just move the straw mulch aside, add my amendments, put straw back and add new straw if necessary. As long as your micro herd is healthy they'll take care of the amendments in no time.
I use a combination of watering properly, yellow sticky traps and rove beetles to control fungus gnats.

The rove beetles stay away from the yellow stickies, never a problem with then getting stuck..